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Deliberately in a sentence

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Sentence count:234+25Posted:2016-07-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: advisedlyby choiceby designdesignedlyintentionallymeasuredlyon purposepurposelySimilar words: desperatelyliberalaccuratelydelicatelatelyprivatelyfortunatelyultimatelyMeaning: [dɪˈlɪbərətli]  adv. 1. with intention; in an intentional manner 2. in a deliberate unhurried manner. 
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151. She left the letter there deliberately so that you'd see it.
152. Psychological comfort is inextricably related to physical comfort although some interactions are deliberately planned by staff to contribute to psychological comfort.
153. The same may be true of a book which has been deliberately produced to a high standard of physical appearance.
154. Indeed deliberately making all the tricky names into anagrams may be an easier way to work through the map for non-Gaelic speakers.
155. Deliberately, Madeleine had selected a dress to wear which buttoned down the front to the waist.
156. Somebody deliberately released the brakes and headed the truck downhill.
157. As her fears bordered upon obsession, she began deliberately re-dialling telephone numbers Charles had called.
158. There were no signs that the fire had been set deliberately.
159. Infantry, he added, deliberately placed themselves in positions where they would be engaged in hand-to-hand combat.
160. Harsh discipline was the child's lot, and they were often terrorized deliberately and, not infrequently, sexually abused.
161. And he had deliberately caught his flight with just minutes to spare.
162. There have been allegations in the press that the fire was started deliberately.
163. The lawsuit would likely allege that Symington got the loan because he deliberately misled the pension funds about his financial condition.
164. Was he relishing this moment,[] deliberately prolonging it in anticipation out of bile at the cadet's blasphemy?
165. It is too much to expect musicians to deliberately cast aside the fringe benefits of success.
166. She had not done this deliberately; she was not even aware that she had done it.
167. Gore came across as an earnest, deliberately spoken politician, often gesturing with his hands.
168. My adversary raised and very deliberately drew a bead on me.
169. I propose we deliberately adopt these principles of action to counter the changes we have witnessed.
170. The nose is mutilated; the bust was apparently deliberately buried in late antiquity with a companion piece of slightly later date.
171. There is no reason, however, to suppose that Isabella had deliberately tried to build up a party amongst the bishops.
172. While it is debatable whether Martin deserved life imprisonment, he deliberately took a child's life.
173. People have deliberately encouraged many of these movements, often for commercial purposes.
174. Did they - whoever they were - deliberately try to kill him?
175. He rolls up a dollar bill, and stares at it as if deliberately recalling something.
176. A man quite simply can not now father a baby unless his wife is fully and deliberately agreeable.
177. But this approach was not merely avoided, it was deliberately shunned.
178. Michelle had deliberately placed the card in front of the old woman on the far side of the table.
179. Croft did what Croft always does and pushed the ball through slowly and deliberately, getting sideways turn but nothing too dangerous.
180. These are corporations deliberately set up, taken over, or controlled for the explicit and sole purpose of executing criminal activity.
More similar words: desperatelyliberalaccuratelydelicatelatelyprivatelyfortunatelyultimatelyoperateapproximatelygeneratetoleratemoderatecooperatedesperateinveterateacceleratecooperate withfibersubscriberdelightdeliverwidelydeliveryguidelinedefinitelysatelliteoperatoroperatingoperation
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