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Deduct in a sentence

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Sentence count:112+1Posted:2017-02-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: discountremovesubtracttake awaywithdrawSimilar words: deductivededuceabductaqueductproductductileconductreductionMeaning: [dɪ'dʌkt]  v. 1. make a subtraction 2. retain and refrain from disbursing; of payments 3. reason by deduction; establish by deduction. 
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31. From this figure they deduct their estimated income from charges and central government grants together with any cash balances available for the purpose.
32. And they did not deduct taxes before figuring the percentage.
33. Under our current code, employers officially carry half the burden, which they can deduct at 50 %.
34. When making that payment, Tradeco must deduct income tax at the basic rate and pay that to the Revenue.
35. To decrease the depth of a V neckline, deduct 1 from this figure for each 0.5 centimetre required.
36. Because companies could no longer deduct the cost of health and life insurance, they may stop offering all but retirement benefits.
37. To deduct or subtract from a cost or price.
38. Why to deduct our day rate?
39. Sufficient space layer and perfect dimension deduct space philosophy.
40. If the raw materials are in urgent need and they need the rework of the company, charge the supplier by certain amount(deduct from payment for goods).
41. You can deduct the twenty - five cents out of my allowance.
42. Florid and openhanded colors, excellent and transcendental quality. Deduct modem people feelings advocating the nature.
43. By using the generalized support function, we reckon the mean distance of two points of circle, rectangle and ellipse, and deduct the idiographic process.
44. We will share the percentage equal, in any expenses we did will be deduct from the money before sharing.
45. If you send it through the post office they deduct 100.
46. Mr. Cao had the rickshaw repaired and didn't deduct the cost from Xiangzi's wages.
47. First and foremost is GOOD HEALTH . If you do not enjoy good health you can never be happy. Any ailment, however trivial, will deduct from your happiness.
48. They will deduct 17 % from our payment ( commission ) for the tax.
49. To deduct or withhold ( part of something due ) for an equitable reason.
50. Do not deduct the commission from the value of the consignment.
51. We send you herewith a cheque, value 90 have deduct the usual trade discount of 2.
52. We will deduct a collection service charge from the proceeds of course.
53. Sometimes the buyer deduct a commission for the agent and remit the net amount of purchase to the seller .
54. There is actually a chain of certificates,( as you can deduct from the output underneath "certificate chain".
55. In the article some examples is given to analyse planetary shifting mechanism with complex planetary gearset, deduct formulae of its transmission ratio and briefly evaluate it.
56. The accounts of A company can deduct from the accounts of B company .
57. Article 14 When calculating the taxable income amount, an enterprise may not deduct the costs of the investment assets during the period of external investment.
58. If you've already paid for medical expenses this year totaling 7.5 percent of your adjusted gross income, you can deduct any medical costs over that amount.
59. Last week, the Treasury proposed eliminating companies'ability to deduct interest on loans related to COLI.
60. Agreed Enjoyment Elderly Charitable deduct the specified amount on monthly basis or single payment until notice.
More similar words: deductivededuceabductaqueductproductductileconductreductionabductioninductiveproductionproductiveproductivityintroductionreproductionreproductivecode of conductproduction costgross domestic productduckseducereduceeducateendedaddedjadedlame duckeducatorproduceeducated
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