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Convoy in a sentence

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Sentence count:138+10Posted:2016-08-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: accompanyconductescortguideleadprotectSimilar words: conveyconvictconvertconvinceconvincedconvictionconventionconversionMeaning: ['kɒnvɔɪ]  n. 1. a procession of land vehicles traveling together 2. a collection of merchant ships with an escort of warships 3. the act of escorting while in transit. v. escort in transit. 
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91, The convoy was drawing to an end.
92, A few hours later Tarhouni sped by convoy to the war-ravaged town of Misurata to formally identify the bloodied and beaten corpse of his tormenter on behalf of the rebel leaders.
93, The Sri Lankan cricketers had been travelling in a well-armed convoy to the city's Gaddafi stadium, to commence the third day of a five-day game against Pakistan's national side.
94, CommodoreJ C K Dowding led convoy P. Q. 17, consisting of 36 heavily laden Merchant Ships out of Reykjavik , on the 27th June, 1942.
95, At the time a woman who belonged to the "Syrian Socialist National Party" drove a bomb-laden truck into an Israeli Defense Force convoy in Lebanon .
96, By the time the convoy pulled up to Woodbine racetrack at about 2:30 a. m. , they realized the journey was well behind schedule.
97, Have additionally 3 3 cruiser, chaser mix a certain number of help naval ships convoy.
98, The military convoy breaks a chain to open the gate, shoos cows from its path and circles the property on bumpy dirt road lined by mesquite trees.
99, In Khabarovsk, around 2, 000 drivers staged their own noisy protest, driving in convoy with flashing lights to the railway station.
100, Since the founding of our company, have their own independent customs broker, truck convoys and convoy.
101, Because there are many galleys to convoy and patrol in the gulf of Aden, piracy has changed way to hijack merchantman.
102, One day, a convoy of three gleaming new pickup trucks appeared at the rancho.
103, On 4 March 2007 a convoy of US marines, who arrived in Afghanistan three weeks earlier, were hit by an explosives-rigged minivan outside the city of Jalalabad.
104, The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) says it has sent the first UN convoy of aid overland into Burma, and a planeload of shelter supplies has been flown in from Dubai.
105, We drove to the front in a convoy of jeeps.
106, Residents say a 30 minute gun battle broke out late Sunday after assailants fired rocket-propelled grenades at a passing army convoy.
107, Our battleship were assigned to convoy an aircraft carrier to the Caribbean Sea.
108, Eventually, in early November, the convoy arrived at a large church in Kozielsk in north-eastern Poland, where Peszkowski and some 4,(Sentence dictionary)000 other officers were quartered in a PoW camp.
109, Drop anchor at Great Bitter Lake for awaiting Southbound convoy and report.
110, Friends we had met at Richelieu a couple of days previously offered to guide the convoy into Paris and assist in the process.
111, Ampatuan allegedly stopped the ill-fated convoy with dozens of police and pro-government militiamen.
112, Its leaves are characterized with cutin, density glandular hair, and the stoma is composed with two kidney-shaped safeguard cells and two hook convoy cells, which effectively control the evaporation.
113, Her range of weaponry could easily decimate any convoy she encountered.
114, US embassy convoy in Kabul, Afghanistan was damaged by a bomb today.
115, Unmolested, the first Lend - Lease convoy steamed straight eastward.
116, An assault convoy of trucks and armored vehicles of the 101st Airborne Division's 3rd Brigade Combat Team prepare to cross into Iraq.
117, After two days recuperating from the nasty hot air balloon crash landing Ian and Denise are back on the road with the convoy.
118, TARDEC had its own system on display at the rodeo's convoy event.
119, On the evening of 24 May 1941, British lieutenant commander Malcolm Wanklyn, in command of the submarine Upholder, sighted an enemy troop convoy strongly escorted by destroyers off Sicily.
120, The convoy has driven East to West in northern Turkey following the coast along the Black Sea and driving through the beautiful, rugged Pontic and Georgian Mountains.
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