Synonym: blow, boast, brag, braggadocio, bravado, gas, gasconade, rhodomontade, rodomontade, shoot a line, swagger, swash, tout, vaunt. Similar words: cluster, fluster, flustered, lackluster, ouster, austere, austerity, filibuster. Meaning: ['blʌstə] n. 1. noisy confusion and turbulence 2. a swaggering show of courage 3. a violent gusty wind 4. vain and empty boasting. v. 1. blow hard; be gusty, as of wind 2. show off 3. act in an arrogant, overly self-assured, or conceited manner.
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1. I knew that it was all bluster and he wasn't really angry with me.
2. I believe deeply in persuasion, not bluster and bombast.
3. Burying it all under a thick shell of bluster, bullying, slavish adherence to protocol and discipline.
4. Though I suspected this was bluster, I realized immediately that something had to be done to calm the man down.
5. Military planning drove decisions; bluster and posturing drove diplomacy.
6. He was awakened by the bluster of their preparations.
7. Mr. Khrushchev , moreover, was all bluff and bluster.
8. There was a bluster and zest in Anthony.
9. Much of his bluster rose from timidity.
10. He impressed no one by his bluster.
11. His bluster sank to sullenness under her look.
12. Ah, the pomposity of his tone , the bluster, the arrogance.
13. He was inclined to bluster at first, but he soon dropped.
14. Why don't you take you and your bluster the hell out of here?
15. Lou began to bluster, as he always did when he talked politics.
16. But the political posturing and trade - union bluster signifies little.
17. Of course[], his bluster was directed against me as well.
18. They are full of the glitter and bluster of German militarism ?mailed fist and shining armour.
19. We could hear the bluster of the wind and rain.
20. He always tries to bluster his way out of difficult situations.
21. I wasn't frightened by what he said-it was all bluster.
22. I wasn't frightened by what he said it was just bluster.
23. Its boasts about fanatical recruits lining up for paradise through the martyrdom of suicide-bombing may be bluster.
24. Brian Dennehy, reprising his Broadway role, tackles Willy with bluster and a huge, bellowing presence bordering on apoplexy.
25. Between bullying and charm, Prokhorov has amassed a global fortune and sold an image of mystery and intrigue. And yet, so far, his ownership run with Nets has had far more bluster than buoyancy.
26. We do not believe their nice word nor areintimidated by their bluster.
27. How is it possible to bargain with shopkeepers who bluff and bluster?
28. On the Republican side, foreign policy talk is all bluster and braggadocio.
28. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
29. He was not at ease with me, and much of his bluster rose from timidity.
30. The most important message Mr Roh can take to Pyongyang is that those cracks have narrowed, and no amount of wheedling or bluster from Mr Kim will allow them to widen.
More similar words: cluster, fluster, flustered, lackluster, ouster, austere, austerity, filibuster, lust, wanderlust, lacklustre, illustrate, illustrious, illustration, busted, exhausted, sustenance, stern, fester, sister, mister, foster, oyster, master, poster, monster, cistern, eastern, mystery, booster.