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Analyzing in a sentence

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Sentence count:157+1Posted:2016-07-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: analyzeanalystanalysesanalysismanagingbananamagazineparalysis
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121. Emotional speech processing recognizes the user's emotional state by analyzing speech patterns.
122. On the basis of analyzing speciality of VIM's power supply control system, computer control system based on fuzzy PID control is designed.
123. In this paper, a method was applied to reduce the noise by analyzing the main noise resource affecting the audio amplifier.
124. By analyzing the disadvantage of the traditional NC engraving machine based on orthogonal coordinates and the kinematics characteristic of industry robot, a robot with five knuckle arms is designed.
125. A new method for analyzing the Radar Cross Section (RCS) of a complex scatterer is put forward in the paper , which is a method of frequency characteristic extrapolating .
126. Spoken language analyzing is a crucial part in human-machine dialog system and spoken language translation system.
127. Analyzing soil - structure interaction is an important section in anti - seismic design and analysis of nuclear engineering.
128. And the mechanical nature of slat is studied by analyzing the feature of integral edge joint.
129. By analyzing the real inspected signal, the simulation result is evaluated ulteriorly.
130. Conclusion Both biochemistry maker and microsatellite DNA marker are good methods at analyzing the population genetics of Mongolia gerbil colonies.
131. By analyzing the basic characteristics of NIT,( an application model of NIT was set up.
132. Analyzing and Summarizing the maximum power point tracking ( MPPT ) control method and non - islanding protection.
133. Through analyzing cutting waves and pulse width modulation, a new method of tracing current is presented.
134. If the information study and judgment stops after analyzing the initial information, it will be a waste of resources.
135. Through modeling experiment, this method is proved to be feasible for analyzing the rabbet assembly structure.
136. Analyzing the mutual function of social psychology provide a wide - thinking platform for design methodology.
137. Analyzing timeliness is important for evaluating ground-to-air radar countermeasures system. A model for analyzing the timeliness is developed from SEA method.
138. The broken reasons of bailer of impeller was found out by analyzing some relevant cases occurred in a jet-type impulse turbine in China, some measures to handling it was presented.
139. So this article aims at illustrating Miller's literary style through analyzing Tropic of Cancer in detail.
140. In this paper, it begins with Stereographic projection method and flat-panel sliding method for analyzing the slope stability. The results show that slope needs reinforcement.
141. Analyzing landslide slippage surface and the geological characteristic, confirmed it's entirely process.
142. This paper reflects on the development of Jingdezhen private ceramic enterprises, analyzing their characteristics and cur-rent problems, and then putting forth suggestions for their further step-up.
143. By analyzing the hoisting and feeding-off models under the rated load, the maximum dynamic loads and dynamic coefficients of fast line, dead line, every travelling line and derrick were obtained.
144. It focuses on analyzing the two key equipments: evaporation cooler and electrostatic precipitator.
145. After analyzing speedup and communication scheme theoretically parallel clustering algorithm , named PARCLE, is developed.
146. By analyzing the code in the on-chip boot ROM, a choice method about which application will be booted in the case of multi-application environment is proposed.
147. It is introduced that analyzing phosphine by GC method is a good method.
148. Simultaneous equations model plays an important role in making economic policies, analyzing economic structure and forecasting.
149. The second part discusses the present situation of university teacher right and the legal relief by analyzing the typical case of disputes and various universities personnel management document.
150. They are surveying, charting and analyzing various possible sites of mines in the desert.
More similar words: analyzeanalystanalysesanalysismanagingbananamagazineparalysismanagemanaclemanagedCanadianmanagercan affordmanagementexplanationin allfinallyjournalall in allsignalpenaltypersonalnationalpersonallyregionalinternalexternaloriginallyjournalist
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