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Accessibility in a sentence

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Sentence count:95Posted:2017-03-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: possibilityaccessibleaccessiblyinaccessiblesensibilityresponsibilityflexibilitycredibilityMeaning: [æk‚sesə'bɪlətɪ]  n. 1. the quality of being at hand when needed 2. the attribute of being easy to meet or deal with. 
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1 Two new roads are being built to increase accessibility to the town centre.
2 Seminar topics are chosen for their accessibility to a general audience.
3 Such practices can improve accessibility and access.
4 Accessibility 144 points 2. Conference facilities 149 points 3.
5 His campaign hallmark is his informality and accessibility.
6 The two concepts of social and physical accessibility are related, as social benefits often accrue from physical accessibility.
7 They evolve by changing the attitudes, accessibility and availability of the said sport.
8 Routes may be closed, reducing accessibility, or subsidies may be removed, increasing fares for users at a stroke.
9 Therefore the spatial dimensions of accessibility and mobility have complex but very important social overtones.
10 This would contradict the open-ended accessibility that is the hallmark of unit trusts.
11 The population growth study took into account both accessibility and the impact of planning policies, including constraints such as green belts.
12 The problem of accessibility is linked to the technical nature of the legal rules applied by many tribunals.
13 The notion of accessibility strikes me as superficial, and produces the least interesting results.
14 Accessibility as a concept is discussed in chapter 6; here it is sufficient to mention its implications for personal mobility.
15 Individual consumers need accessibility and convenience from their local sources of consumable products.
16 You can apply these accessibility settings to another computer.
17 Change the language, and set installation and accessibility options.
18 Access was already frustrated by an existing step and the additional minor increase in height made no real significant decrease in accessibility.
19 The second reason for Bock's claim about relations between syntactic form and lexical accessibility in production is an empirical one.
20 In a press release Monday,[] Wildfire said the investments enable it to improve the accessibility and affordability of Wildfire.
21 We will require local authorities to define minimum standards of accessibility in their areas and draw up transport plans which meet them.
22 But its influence is attributable to more than its accessibility.
23 Books submitted will be assessed both for their scholarship and for their accessibility to the general reader.
24 The reasons for adopting this view that syntactic production and the accessibility of individual lexical items are closely related are twofold.
25 They are completely true to the ideals of the National Gallery: public accessibility, free access, no selling of pictures.
26 Indeed, it is often suggested that a major problem with the procedure is its lack of accessibility to the private citizen.
27 This approach would require improved provision of information from local government to the community and hence increased accessibility of school roll forecasts.
28 The second area is located around the development of information systems involving considerations such as meaningfulness, accuracy and accessibility of data.
29 Discussion of the best or most accessible vein is strikingly similar to embalmers' discussions about arterial accessibility.
30 But people do buy and rent in the valley, drawn by location, accessibility and affordability.
More similar words: possibilityaccessibleaccessiblyinaccessiblesensibilityresponsibilityflexibilitycredibilitygullibilityirascibilityinfallibilitycompatibilityincompatibilityintelligibilityaccountabilityaccessaccessoryaccessorizesuccessionabilitymobilityviabilitynobilitystabilityliabilityinabilitynecessitysolubilitydisabilitycapability
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