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Signature in a sentence

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Sentence count:280+19 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: key signaturesignature tunetheme songtouchSimilar words: in natureby naturesignalfeaturenaturallycreaturenaturalistlegislatureMeaning: ['sɪgnɪtʃə(r)]  n. 1. your name written in your own handwriting 2. a distinguishing style 3. a melody used to identify a performer or a dance band or radio/tv program 4. the sharps or flats that follow the clef and indicate the key 5. a sheet with several pages printed on it; it folds to page size and is bound with other signatures to form a book. 
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1. Can you witness my signature on my will, please?
2. Someone had forged her signature on the cheque.
3. There's a space here for your signature.
4. Two witnesses must certify that this is your signature.
5. Her signature is totally illegible .
6. You need an official signature to validate the order.
7. You must put your signature on the cheque.
8. A brief, hand-written postscript lay beneath his signature.
9. Each person's signature is unique.
10. He was attacked for having put his signature to the deal.
11. Doesn't that sound like the signature tune from The Late Late Show?
12. Clearly knowing your signature is not for me, but I am self-deceiving accordingly.
13. On further examination it was found that the signature was not genuine.
14. This Agreement commences on the date of signature hereof.
15. Ask a friend to witness your signature.
16. The document bore his signature.
17. Someone stole my credit card and forged my signature.
18. The manager's signature was just a formality.
19. the paltry subterfuge of an anonymous signature.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
20. Someone's forged my signature on this letter.
21. I just require a signature on the form.
22. The document bore her signature.
23. He added his signature .
24. The agreement shall enter into force upon signature.
25. He affixed his signature to the document.
26. He was stormed for his signature.
27. my heart beats her waves at the shore of the world and writes upon it her signature in tears with the words, "i love thee.
28. My heart beats her waves at the shore of the world and writes upon it her signature in tears with the words, "I love thee.
29. The handwriting expert attested to the genuineness of the signature.
30. He tried to hold out for higher paying by rejecting signature to the contract.
More similar words: in natureby naturesignalfeaturenaturallycreaturenaturalistlegislaturesign onresignsign indesignassigndesignsdesignerdesign forassignmentsignificantsignificancesignificantlygesturemixtureventurelecturetexturepictureculturecapturein futurefurniture
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