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Washing soda in a sentence

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Sentence count:5Posted:2017-03-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: cash incash in onflash in the panbathing suitpushingshiningfishingnourishingMeaning: n. a sodium salt of carbonic acid; used in making soap powders and glass and paper. 
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(1) Mother used washing soda to get the stains out.
(2) Most, however, consisted of simple washing soda, Epsom salts, or other innocuous ingredients.
(3) And the suggestions and plans of washing soda crystallization granule size increase were put forward.
(4) The influences on washing soda were discussed, including cooling temperature distribution of cooling kettle, the medium and stir speed of mixer, the retention period of material in cooling material.
(5) Water can be softened by adding washing soda to it.
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