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Waitress in a sentence

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Sentence count:183+9 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-10-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: waitSimilar words: stressactressdistresswaitawaitwait onwait forawaitingMeaning: ['weɪtrɪs]  n. a woman waiter. v. serve as a waiter or waitress in a restaurant. 
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1. A waitress arrived with the wine they had ordered.
2. The waitress refilled our coffee cups.
3. The waitress received a handsome tip.
4. She took a job as a waitress.
5. The manager of the restaurant has trained the waitress to serve correctly at table.
6. The waitress had cleared away the plates and brought coffee.
7. They asked the waitress for the bill.
8. The waitress freshened our coffee.
9. The waitress has served twenty teas since 4 o'clock.
10. The waitress appeared. "Are you ready to order?".
11. She's got a job as a waitress.
12. She works as a waitress.
13. The waitress beamed a cheerful welcome to the guests.
14. He left the waitress a large tip.
15. She beckoned to the waitress to bring more wine.
16. I had the most almighty row with the waitress.
17. He will wed that waitress next month.
18. The waitress approached Picone with a cordless phone.
19. She started her working career as a waitress.
20. She's been moonlighting as a waitress in the evenings.
21. A waitress came in,( carrying tea on a tray.
22. She plays the part of the sexy blonde waitress.
23. Sometimes they tell me I'm just a glorified waitress.
24. Waitress are good at loading checks.
25. I'll ask the waitress for the bill.
26. She waved to attract the attention of the waitress.
27. They demanded the waitress.
28. She worked as a waitress and put herself through
29. He had met his old lady when he was a house painter and she was a waitress.
30. She started to speak, then broke off while a waitress served us coffee.
More similar words: stressactressdistresswaitawaitwait onwait forawaitingpressdress updigressimpressaddressexpressredresspress forCongressdepresseddepressionexpressionaggressionaggressiveimpressionimpressiveprogressivecongressionaltraitwaisttwainwaiver
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