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Home > Awaiting in a sentence

Awaiting in a sentence

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Sentence count:160+17 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: awaitexcitingwaitwait onwait forfit intovotingrating
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1) He is in custody awaiting trial .
2) He's anxiously awaiting his test results.
3) She is in prison, awaiting trial.
4) I stayed in that night awaiting her summons.
5) She is awaiting trial on corruption charges.
6) Several men are awaiting trial for robbery.
7) She is anxiously awaiting a decision on her future.
8) She is still awaiting an answer.
9) He spent a week in custody on remand awaiting sentence.
10) The smuggler is in prison tonight, awaiting extradition to Britain.
11) He's awaiting trial, which is expected to begin early next year.
12) I sat outside the boss's office awaiting my summons.
13) Your car is awaiting collection at our garage.
14) Murphy sat in a prison cell awaiting trial .
15) This historic watermill is currently awaiting restoration.
16) Residents are anxiously awaiting a decision.
17) He is in prison awaiting trial on drugs charges.
18) There may be many unexpected treasures awaiting discovery.
19) We're anxiously awaiting the court's ruling on this matter.
20) Police are awaiting the results of a forensic examination.
21) They're eagerly awaiting the big day.
22) We are anxiously awaiting the outcome of their discussion.
23) The treaty is awaiting ratification.
24) She stood there,( docilely awaiting my decision.
25) I am anxiously awaiting your reply.
26) The plane circled, awaiting permission to land.
27) The industry was awaiting a judgment from the European Court.
28) We are still awaiting confirmation of the exact number of casualties.
29) He is anxiously awaiting the result of the medical tests.
30) Surgical waiting lists were reduced by the simple expedient of striking off all patients awaiting varicose vein operations.
More similar words: awaitexcitingwaitwait onwait forfit intovotingratingtestinghuntingsettingexistingcreatingshootingblottingparentingoperatinglightingreportingmarketingcontinuingaccountingdistinguishfascinatingdevastatingconstructingunrelentinglyconcentratingelectroplatingwaist
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