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Ventilation in a sentence

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Sentence count:287+3Posted:2017-01-24Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: airingbreathingexternal respirationpublic discussionrespirationventilating systemventilation systemSimilar words: annihilationinventionconstitutional conventionpreventionconventionconventionalinterventionunconventionalMeaning: [‚vent'leɪʃn /-tɪ'l-]  n. 1. the act of supplying fresh air and getting rid of foul air 2. a mechanical system in a building that provides fresh air 3. free and open discussion of (or debate on) some question of public interest 4. the bodily process of inhalation and exhalation; the process of taking in oxygen from inhaled air and releasing carbon dioxide by exhalation. 
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121. Taking a small natatorium in Tianjin for research object, the ventilation heating load of heating and ventilation system with hot blast and its ratio in total heating load in winter are calculated.
122. The computation results of rotor winding ventilation of a 125 MW air-cooled turbine generator with sub - slot had been provided.
123. The importance for the mine to strengthen the maintenance of the air return way and the points needing attention in designing and allocating the ventilation shaft are pointed out.
124. A computerized remote centralized monitoring system for underground ventilation of multistage fan stations is presented.
125. The factory uses geothermic energy, natural lighting and natural ventilation.
126. Methods We treated 9 neonates who suffered respiratory failure with Bear 750-PSV ventilator in which we used the new method of low volume and permissive hypercapnia ventilation.
127. A series of underwater vehicle model experiments for the supercavity shape property are carried out at high speed water tunnel with ventilation method.
128. Its intelligent interface and technology allow consistent temperature and humidity control, as well as providing stability, ventilation and odor dispelling.
129. Conclusion During mechanical ventilation, the lasting air way humidification with precision infusion set can increase the humidity effects and decrease the complications.
130. Objective To observe the effect of inverse ratio ventilation (IRV) on hemodynamics and oxygen metabolism in sheep with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
131. Prolonged mechanical ventilation alters the physiology and chemistry of the lungs.
132. Respiratory acidosis is caused by retention of CO 2 secondary to decreased alveolar ventilation.
133. This article based on the mutation theory, proposes the application mutation theory optimal mine ventilation system synthesis appraisal.
134. H . Observe lung inflations and auscultate the chest adequate ventilation.
135. To ensure ventilation and raise cooling efficiency, please mount the ballast vertically.
136. METHODS: Blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate and ventilation volume of anaesthetized rats were measured simultaneously.
137. Learn about proper ventilation for a workshop in this free woodworking safety video from a wood shop instructor and professional carpenter.
138. Taking the henhouse as semi-obturation system, dynamic conservation of NH3 in henhouse under ventilation condition was analyzed based on the law of conservation of mass.
139. When a tactical air strike struck the building beside it, experimental failures were propelled into the ventilation shaft; apparently killing everyone inside.
140. Objective To study the efficacy of mechanical ventilation plus antivenom on RF(respiratory failure) patients bited by Bungarus multicintus.
141. Simple pneumothorax or hemothorax , fractured ribs, and pulmonary contusion may compromise ventilation to a lesser degree and are usually identified in the secondary survey.
142. The insufficient ventilation also causes poor plant growth and the insect pests of scale insects and spider mites.
143. Two - way ventilation axial fans high temperature, ventilation and other ancillary products.
144. In this article, many exhaust ventilation projection designed for organic chemistry laboratory were studied and the best project was found. By using it,[] good effect was obtained .
145. The ventilation in mines is most important assurance for safety production, whereas the operating efficiency of fan ventilator is the decisive factor of ventilating system .
146. Thus as breathing rate increases, lung expansion becomes less effective particularly in some areas, thereby increasing the maldistribution of ventilation to perfusion.
147. We also need to improve the ventilation in our office to help prevent headaches, smells, sore throats, stuffiness and dustiness.
148. Objective:To discuss the effect of the nursing intervention to the outcome of old patients who receive noninvasive ventilation therapy after general anaesthesia operation.
149. The incidence of otorrhea is very high 2 years after radiotherapy in patients treated by myringotomy and ventilation tube insertion.
150. This article studies the characteristics of the coefficient of resistance of skylight Ventilation under the action of outdoor wind force.
More similar words: annihilationinventionconstitutional conventionpreventionconventionconventionalinterventionunconventionalidentificationadventitiousexhilarationelationmentionvenerationrelationablationisolationviolationdeflationinflationcollationattentionintentionmutilatedesolationpopulationimmolationrevelationregulationexhalation
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