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Tidal in a sentence

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Sentence count:257+5Posted:2017-04-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: bridalhidalgotidytidefetiduntidybetidedalMeaning: ['taɪdl]  adj. of or relating to or caused by tides. 
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151) Tidal flat is a very active zone between sea and land, and also an important area lor development of economic and scientific cultural undertakings in modern limes.
152) The model is applied to numerical simulation of tidal bore successfully.
153) We can largely get diversified information about our astrospace by the new tidal wave of technical ...
154) By application to a certain tidal river showed that the computational method both in theory and practice were feasible.
155) Let vermin Corp. expand, let Chang Zhou City tidal current be popular for.
156) The cornerstone of the memorial is the "Stone of Hope, " a large granite sculpture which depicts King overlooking the memorials of former presidents on the shore of the Tidal Basin.
157) There are other issues with the memorial, set on the Tidal Basin between the Jefferson and Lincoln memorials, too.
158) Wielding their inspired pens , some of them had described the spectacular sight of the tidal bore.
159) Tidal channels, deltas, and washover fans are characteristically associated with offshore bars.
160) The initial tidal propagation conditions are also obtained by the observed data.
161) Further analysis suggests that narrowed river channel increases flood current velocity and silted riverbed slows down tidal wave propagation velocity.
162) Systematic tests are carried out to study the erosion of the man-made island of the Jiangsu LNG Terminal with irregular waves and tidal currents by using natural sand in the model.
163) Tidal current that moves toward the shore is called a flood tide.
164) The obliquely inflowing current forms an asymmetric geomorphologic system in the tidal inlet,[] the tidal deltas are more developed on the east side of inner bay and on the northeast side of outer bay.
165) Current in tidal river shows a complex periodic characteristic, and it is unsteady flow moving alternately backward and forward.
166) Shenzhen City is tidal belt of land for flood alluvial loess.
167) It is admirably coherent, in a way the new World War II Memorial is not, and the landscaping elegantly surrounds and highlights the adjacent Tidal Basin.
168) These fossil date indicate that Ningbo Formation is marine-continental transitional sediment, maybe belonging to tidal zone.
169) The tidal current comes and goes, but the nature of life is permanent.
170) The outer coast of the tidal inlet is shell sand bar created in higher sea level period and is reformed by current hydrodynamical processes.
171) Visitors get a water view of the Cherry Blossoms surrounding the Tidal Basin in Washington.
172) A new wetting and drying method for the numerical tidal flow model is developed to deal with the moving boundary due to tidal waves at the tidal flat.
173) The study fills the empty of tidal gravity observation in the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China and can provide the effective reference and service to ground surface and space geodesy.
174) The center control computer observes the tidal discharge by sending orders to the water lever and velocity instruments through the optical fiber cable automatically.
175) There is a huge tidal sand system which is composed of the old sand body distributing in the coastal plain and the radial sand ridge distributing in south Huanghai Sea.
176) The progression of tidal effects is both elegant and stately.
177) The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has set up a seismic detection system to monitor earthquakes and predict the possible arrival of tidal waves for Pacific countries.
178) Particularly(, the solution for impermeable silt-layer can be used to describe the tidal fluctuation in a confined aquifer under a tidal river separated by an impermeable layer.
179) Sedimentary system and distribution features of early Tertiary in Liaohe tidal zone are studied by using seismic stratigraphy , sequence stratigraphy , and logging sedimentology.
180) SELO 360 Science and Technology: Prime goods. Professional service. Led still the tidal current expense new concept.
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