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Tidal in a sentence

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Sentence count:257+5Posted:2017-04-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: bridalhidalgotidytidefetiduntidybetidedalMeaning: ['taɪdl]  adj. of or relating to or caused by tides. 
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121) In this paper, the effects on velocity modeling with different eddy viscosity coefficients are discussed, the 3-D tidal flow model is developed based on POM.
122) The event, called "Stand With Japan," included a moment of silence followed by a walk around Washington's Tidal Basin.
123) Tidal waves in Bengal, India, killing some 10 000 people.
124) The achievements of this paper not only have provided gist for the flood prevention plan of NingBo City, but also is applicable to other similar hydrological problems of cities in tidal river area.
125) The tidal flat of China is a reserve land resources which increases at all times and has a potentiality of continuative expanding.
126) Others see a mix of solar, e thermal, tidal and wind power.
127) In the tidal difference daily variations, there is a period of half lunar month of syzygy spring tides related to the phase of the moon.
128) The coastal villages of Crete were flooded and destroyed. The only major Minoan structure surviving the waves and earthquakes was the palace at Knossos, far enough inland to escape the tidal waves.
129) CNOOC used EURONAVY ES301 and ES323 to make coatings for large tugboat NO. 298 ballast tanks, the Pinghu oil and gas fields and Boxi oil fields 'oil platform tidal zone.
130) In contrast to the simple observations of the tides, tidal current studies are difficult and expensive.
131) A depth-averaged two-dimensional unsteady flow with uniform non-equilibrium sediment transport model is proposed to simulate the riverbed deformation in a tidal river.
132) The tidal predictions are expressed in Greenwich Mean Time. Add one hour for British Summer Time.
133) Single beam bathymetry is widely used in marine geologic survey. Tidal calibration is very necessary to guarantee correct results of the bathymetry.
134) The research result shows that the basic conditions for tidal bore formation are the funnel-shaped Hangzhou Bay and sand bar rising.
135) The tidal breathing, forced expiratory spirometry,[] and breathlessness scale were measured before and immediately after exercise.
136) The noise was like ten thousand stampeding horses, a roaring tidal wave.
137) The first terrible barrage of pumped lasers, particle beams, and missiles struck the nearest inorganics at virtual point-blank range, like a tidal wave rolling over a shore.
138) The tidal river would push detritus into the most-used spots.
139) A 2-D tidal flow mathematical model of Xinghua Bay based on irregular triangular grid finite difference method was set up and numerical simulation of tidal flow field was carried out.
140) The 2 - D tidal current and sediment mathematical model for estuary is established.
141) In the autumn of 1910, an RL Tippins hauled a Maxim machine gun to the tidal mud of the river Stour in Suffolk and fired two bursts of about 30 bullets straight up into the air.
142) Termed the European tsunami, this will result in tidal waves 200 feet tall assaulting the UK coastline, rising to 300 feet up the Bristol Channel due to tidal bore.
143) In order to know chloride diffusion characteristics well in concrete at tidal zone, chloride diffusion rules in concrete were studied under the effect of dry and wet alternation and flexural load.
144) Total Oxygen Uptake with Two Maximal Breathing Techniques and Tidal Volume Breathing Technique: A Physiological Study of Preoxygenation Pandit JJ, et al.
145) With the economic integration, our national economy will be in harmony with the world tidal current.
146) And so there is deformation,friction effects,tidal effects and so on.
147) EDSS is a comprehensive software system for water quality management in tidal river networks in general and for the Pearl River Delta in specific.
148) The tidal flow around Hiroshima Bay has been simulated and discussed.
149) A tidal estuary of southeastern Connecticut flowing about 24 km ( 15 mi ) southward to Long Island Sound.
150) Pink and chum salmon carcasses lie tangled in linguine strands of tidal sedge.
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