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Thermal in a sentence

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Sentence count:244+4Posted:2017-01-12Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: caloricthermicSimilar words: geothermalformalnormallyformallyinformalsupermanGermangermanyMeaning: ['θɜrml /'θɜːml]  n. rising current of warm air. adj. 1. relating to or associated with heat 2. of or relating to a hot spring 3. caused by or designed to retain heat. 
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121, Different rayon based carbon fiber precursors are studied by means of scanning electron microscope(SEM), Thermal Mechanical Tester and X-ray diffractometer.
122, Their thermal behaviour was examined by differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ) under different heating rates.
123, The new compound's physicochemical properties were analyzed by using the ultraviolet spectrum, infrared spectrum, thermal analysis and changes of solubility in some organic solvents were performed.
124, Their thermal stabilities as well as compatibilities with several kinds of organic solvents were inspected by TGA and oil solubility test.
125, Scientists say a new bacteria species discovered in Yellowstone"s thermal pools could improve the use of bacteria to produce ethanol."
126, The Dutch CV9035 vehicle is part of the succession of the YPR vehicle program, which at the time included 800 thermal cameras from Thales Nederland.
127, It is dispersed either by thermal volatilization or as a dust.
128, Dynamic model of NC machine tool thermal error based on IIR network.
129, The effects of surface thermal oxidation on the minority carrier lifetime of Czochralski (CZ) silicon wafers are investigated by photoconductive decay (PCD) method.
130, Several kinds of sulfur fixation agent of briquette have been studied by TG - 151 thermal balance.
131, Thermal expansion occurs whenever water is heated in a closed system.
132, The thermal analysis kinetics of AgGaS 2 crystal was studied by differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ) .
133, The results show that the non-linearity is mainly attributed to a thermal fluctuation magnetic after effect and a numerical variation of the magnetic domain with frequency.
134, The precision of this method depends mainly on the counts of the fossil fission tracks and the error of the thermal neutron fluence.
135, Ammonium chloride under thermal dissociation forms ammonia and hydrogen chloride gases.
136, According to the conceptual model of high-level radioactive waste geological disposal repository,(sentence dictionary) thermal conductivity equipment of compacted bentonite block is designed for teaching and research.
137, At room temperature, thermal excitation can produce an unwanted current.
138, The thermal degradation and charring of both larch lignin and manchurian ash lignin in the condensed phase were comparatively investigated by using TGA, FTIR and XPS.
139, In materials marked by low thermal diffusivity, the absorption is good.
140, There are a few main degradation mechanisms:thermal degradation, chemical degradation, oxidation, microbial degradation and hydrolysis.
141, Sunlight, thermal radiation, shielding and airflow all affect the comfortableness of the space.
142, Complete cubic octahedral crystal crystal shape, high strength and thermal stability.
143, The influences of the toughener and coupling agent on the morphology, thermal properties and shear strength of the adhesive were analyzed.
144, This paper, based on a simplified model, researched the problem of liquid lubricant leakage caused by thermal expansion effects in self- sealed journal bearings used in HDD spindles.
145, High strength prestressed heat barrier pipe is used as a thermal insulating pipe to carry high temperature and pressure vapour into underground for crude oil exploitation.
146, To study the reason of appearance of the thermal diffuse crack, Temperature and thermal stress analysis of the steam pipe and correlative branch pipe was performed with finite element analysis method.
147, Thermal conduction in metals occurs like conduction, through motions of free electrons.
148, Catalytic cracking of pinane was obviously superior to thermal cracking.
149, Then the authors analyse the effect of initial temperature and cooling rate on thermal stress and the low temperature cracking performance of different asphalt cement.
150, It also allow external thermal printer connectivity or have removable printer built in the device, as well as camera.
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