Similar words: the other day, on the other hand, formal, formally, normally, informal, superman, German. Meaning: adj. of or relating to the heat in the interior of the earth.
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1. There are basically three methods of recovering geothermal energy.
2. There is some promise of geothermal energy.
3. However, far more use is made of geothermal energy for direct heat.
4. The geothermal modelling package has been used to model the thermal history of two basins in the Far East.
5. Geothermal energy is of great interest in certain locations where hydrothermal steam is vented into the atmosphere.
6. Other Hawaiians have claimed that geothermal exploitation disrupts their worship of the goddess, Pele.
7. Wind costs 10.9 cents, geothermal 11.3 cents and solar at 15.1 cents, was more than twice as expensive as nuclear.
8. The total geothermal heat flow is 1028 ergs per year.
9. They include biomass, geothermal energy, hydroelectric power, solar energy, tidal energy.
10. Geothermal energy does not involve the burning of fossil fuels and therefore makes a negligible contribution to global warming.
11. Geothermal energy is, basically, far too rare and too low-grade for widespread economic use.
12. The territory of potential oil, gas and geothermal resources.
13. Yongqing territory rich in oil, gas and geothermal resources.
14. This geothermal field pattern has certain representativeness.
15. Continuous energy flows include geothermal, solar, and tidal energy.
16. They are geothermal energy, solar energy and wind power.
17. There are many advantages of geothermal energy.
18. One form of these geothermal energy.
19. Google's new investments will be put into geothermal research.
20. For the first two years, the consortium will undertake a feasibility study into the best location for a geothermal demonstration project.
20. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
21. E may ultimately rid itself of other power plants as well, including hydropower and geothermal units.
22. In iceland for example some 70% of the country's energy needs are met from geothermal sources.
23. The second project focuses on renewable energy research, and covers such topics as solar, biogas, mini-hydro and geothermal energy.
24. Indigenous oil discoveries proved disappointing and efforts have been directed towards hydro-electric power, nuclear and geothermal energy.
25. The other is naked, eats berries and lives in a temperate geothermal valley.
26. A hydrogeologist and an isotope chemist provided professional advice to the ongoing geothermal resource study.
27. This is not a result of sampling bias on our part, as all known sites of geothermal silica deposits were sampled.
28. Vertical dashed lines enclose periods of contemporaneous high lake levels and elevated geothermal activity on rift volcanoes.
29. The hot rocks technique holds out the best hope for exploitation of geothermal energy.
30. Copgo Wood Group enjoyed a profitable year with strong service sales to its oil company and geothermal customers.
More similar words: the other day, on the other hand, formal, formally, normally, informal, superman, German, germany, fisherman, aftermath, supermarket, countermand, stereotype, pigeon, surgeon, geology, bourgeois, sponge off, outrageous, courageous, at the age of, in charge of, mall, bourgeoisie, format, small, male, courageously, dormant.