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Teenage in a sentence

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Sentence count:196+13Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: teenagermenagerieteenfifteenmanagemanagermanagedmanagementMeaning: ['tiːneɪdʒ]  adj. being of the age 13 through 19. 
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121. On Saturday night, the streets are full of teenage girls and boys, out for a good time.
122. Many teenage girls worry that if they appear too smart or competent, boys will be turned off.
123. Richard Gay, their teenage stand-off, set up the decisive try as Hull came from 7-4 behind in the closing minutes.
124. The high rate of teenage pregnancy disturbs me a great deal.
125. Teenage children begin to assert their independence and this can lead to a good deal of friction in the family.
126. Most have either been nabbed by some one else or are into teenage bimbos or are gay.
127. Conclusions More comprehensive interventions than school health education alone will be needed to reduce teenage smoking.
128. The class teaches teenage mothers the stages of child development.
129. Some had large dependent families, while others had teenage children able to make a substantial contribution.
130. Dozens of teenage volunteers were bussed in on Tuesday evening for a dance with mentally and physically handicapped patients.
131. She kisses lightly, licks around the tip, and he's proud like a teenage boy.
132. The wages for many teenage and low-paid workers rose correspondingly.
133. Security was tight as the two teenage boys, two men and two women stepped into the dock.
134. Time allowed 06:25 Trail of destruction ... police pursue teenage joyrider across three counties.
135. Only acrobatics from teenage keeper Declan Devine prevented Smith from completing a hat-trick before the break.
136. More than three hundred teenage MexicanAmericans were arrested in the ensuing police dragnet.
137. Two teenage boys were threatened with castration to force their Tesco manager father to take cash from his store safe.
138. He maintained this gift even after he had been disabled by the recurrence of teenage polio.
139. The conspiracy of silence about teenage sexuality had many results.
140. A teenage mail-room worker at the Anglian Water headquarters in Huntingdon narrowly escaped injury when the package she was handling exploded.
141. That's what my dreams showed - that underneath my standard teenage exterior I was conkers, stark staring.
142. Teenage boys, like young bulls in a herd, often jockey for position and want to try out their own strength.
143. At adolescence, adopted children have the normal crop of teenage problems.
144. A young teenage girl often becomes hypercritical of her mum-and knows exactly how to hit her weak spots.
145. They were a devoted couple, marrying after a teenage romance.
146. Before very long he becomes the leader of one of the most powerful teenage gangs in Brooklyn.
147. They were joined by teenage boys who surged in waves from the neighboring Mir-i-Arab Madrasa,( a religious school.
148. Read in studio An autistic teenage boy has been sexually assaulted after disappearing from his home.
149. They were two teenage girls who had spent months in the same hospital but had never seen each other.
150. She would regularly pour out her heart to the kind-hearted friend who she has known since her teenage days.
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