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Stipend in a sentence

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Sentence count:35Posted:2017-02-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: antipersonnelstipulateconstipationspenddependsuspendpendingdepend onMeaning: ['staɪpənd /-pend]  n. a sum of money allotted on a regular basis; usually for some specific purpose. 
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(1) Each receives some kind of government stipend, and Harry talks his way into a computer job while Kate does laundry.
(2) He also introduced the Marlborough stipend system - but, unprecedently, for untried artists.
(3) For much of his Mastership the stipend paid by the Company actually fell below the far from lavish £10 to only £9.
(4) The stipend of the professorship is at present £34,467 perannum.
(5) Staff were made redundant, the Secretary's stipend withdrawn and the Bond interest was first unpaid, then waived.
(6) We offer a monthly stipend plus a travel allowance.
(7) Favourable stipend and professional training provided here.
(8) Hopes to be awarded a stipend for further research.
(9) The company is going to ajust my stipend from this month onwards.
(10) WAO will contribute a monthly stipend and yearly travel expenses.
(11) Rural medics an average stipend of $ 65 a year,( leading some to overcharge their patients.
(12) Each woman saves a third of her weekly stipend so that once every 10 weeks, they get a lump-sum payment of $20 for larger purchases.
(13) There will moreover be a stipend of fifty pounds a year.
(14) I receive a transportation stipend of NT $ 5000 every month.
(15) All interships carry a stipend and most provide a tuition waiver.
(16) Rural medics get an average stipend of 65 dollars a year, leading some to overcharge their patients.
(17) A stipend drawn from the endowment or revenues of an Anglican cathedral or church by a presiding member of the clergy; a cathedral or church benefice.
(18) Rural medics get an average stipend of $ 65 a year, leading some to overcharge their patients.
(19) She will receive a monthly stipend of 65( ),000 naira ($423) until the scheme ends. "But I am worried about what happens next."
(20) The family a house and a stipend from the government in return for giving up herding.
(21) Depending on the filed of their research, extra stipend may be available.
(22) Phelps receives a monthly stipend of dollar 1,750 from the organization.
(23) I was given a stipend to cover the expenses during the business trip.
(24) Klochko found Asics, the shoe manufacturer, which provides her with a stipend plus bonus money if she wins a race.
(25) The holder of the office should receive a small annual stipend and a grace-and-favour apartment in Admiralty Arch.
(26) Brown is the first mayor in recent memory to suggest cutting the General Assistance stipend.
(27) Nakamatsu got $ 20, 000 in cash and a travel stipend.
(28) I am writing to you to apply for a fellowship with a stipend in your university.
(29) One day, he chanced to say to Magnon as she handed him his monthly stipend of ten francs: "The father must give them some education."
(30) This sum was nearly a third of his total stipend.
More similar words: antipersonnelstipulateconstipationspenddependsuspendpendingdepend onmisspendspendingpendulumappendixcompendiumimpendingsuspendeddependentdependingappendagecompendiousdependabledependanceappendicitisinterdependentindependentindependencebe independent ofdeclaration of independencetippiperipe
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