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Start in a sentence

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Sentence count:282+79Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: begincommencejerkjumpset outAntonym: endgoalreachSimilar words: start upstart offstarterstarstaretargetguitarget aroundMeaning: [stɑrt /stɑːt]  n. 1. the beginning of anything 2. the time at which something is supposed to begin 3. a turn to be a starter (in a game at the beginning) 4. a sudden involuntary movement 5. the act of starting something 6. a line indicating the location of the start of a race or a game 7. a signal to begin (as in a race) 8. advantage gained by an beginning early (as in a race). v. 1. take the first step or steps in carrying out an action 2. set in motion, cause to start 3. leave 4. have a beginning, in a temporal, spatial, or evaluative sense 5. bring into being 6. get off the ground 7. move or jump suddenly, as if in surprise or alarm 8. get going or set in motion 9. begin or set in motion 10. begin work or acting in a certain capacity, office or job 11. play in the starting lineup 12. have a beginning characterized in some specified way 13. begin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object 14. bulge outward. 
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211. They gave the car a push to start it.
212. How do you get this thing to start?
213. It was a rather unpromising start to the holiday.
214. I'll have melon to start with.
215. It's time to start swotting up for the exam.
216. You must belt up before you start to drive.
217. The project jumped off to a good start.
218. Skip the first chapter and start on page 25.
219. Governments and businesses will start keeping accounts in euros.
220. I'll make a start on the washing-up.
221. What time do you start for work?
222. We need to start work straightaway.
223. Let's make a start(Sentence dictionary), shall we?
224. For a start, let's agree where we should meet.
225. The car absolutely refused to start.
226. Come on! It's time we made a start.
227. Rubbing stones together produces sparks to start a fire.
228. They collected sticks to start the fire.
229. We're only at the start in our house-hunting.
230. She wanted to give up acting and start directing.
231. The leaves start off green but turn red later.
232. The meeting was a fiasco from start to finish.
233. Rangers got off to a rocky start this season.
234. I'll start at the very beginning.
235. Drilling is due to start early next year.
236. The party leader exhorted his members to start preparing for government.
237. His stake has been held in escrow since the start of the year.
238. If Bridget is agreeable to the proposal, we'll start the project in June.
239. I did all the right things but I couldn't get the engine to start.
240. Aren't you chancing your arm a bit giving up a secure job to start up a business?
More similar words: start upstart offstarterstarstaretargetguitarget aroundmilitarysecretaryvoluntaryelementarymilitarismdocumentaryplanetariumthe proletariatartdartcartpartearthChart.heartpartychartdepartcartoonon earthin partpartly
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