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Preserve in a sentence

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Sentence count:227+17Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: conservedefendguardharborkeepmaintainprotectreserveretainsavescreensheltershieldsupportsustainupholdAntonym: proveSimilar words: reservereservationserveobserveserve asobserverrepresentat presentMeaning: [prɪ'zɜrv /-'zɜːv]  n. 1. a domain that seems to be specially reserved for someone 2. a reservation where animals are protected 3. fruit preserved by cooking with sugar. v. 1. keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last 2. keep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destruction 3. to keep up and reserve for personal or special use 4. prevent (food) from rotting 5. maintain in safety from injury, harm, or danger 6. keep undisturbed for personal or private use for hunting, shooting, or fishing. 
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121. It also aims to preserve wildlife habitat and agricultural land.
122. Most countries seek to preserve their international credit rating, as long-term loans are required to finance economic development.
123. The threatened public sector pay freeze follows Mr Major's decision to preserve capital spending projects to help Britain out of recession.
124. The union quest to preserve the rights and prerogatives of unskilled labor are doomed to failure.
125. If he wanted her back,( Antheil would offer to preserve her from the blowtorch.
126. They produced a declaration calling for financial and technological assistance from the developed world in return for taking steps to preserve their forests.
127. How to preserve that involvement in an egalitarian context is one of the great challenges of modern society.
128. It allowed millions to preserve cherished memories and share them with others.
129. He convinced local landholders to give the monkeys safe haven by setting aside land as a preserve.
130. This means that fishing quotas are likely to fall in coming years in order to preserve the long-term future of the fisheries.
131. Once the preserve of the white Bible belt, today's country speaks to rap-weary black audiences.
132. If we preserve both standards of review we then have to assign different subject-matter areas to each test.
133. The ladies were in the middle doing their social best to preserve decorum.
134. The campaign to preserve Niagara remained dormant until, in 1878, Frederic Church jumped into the breach.
135. Throughout the whole of competition policy there is a presumption that intervention is justified in order to preserve the public interest.
136. The Daley Ranch nature preserve will be open free every day from dawn to dusk.
137. However, interviewing is not the exclusive preserve of survey research.
138. The dry climate of this region helped preserve scenes of stunning complexity.
139. The other necessary component was the deceased's name, which through its power could preserve life and identity.
140. However, such plans would have required Melanie to want to preserve her former self.
141. Commercially dried apricots are exposed to sulphur dioxide to preserve their colour, before they are dried in hot air.
142. Similarly, any proposed redevelopment or new building must actively enhance or preserve the character or appearance of the conservation area.
143. There is nothing about this combination of themes which marks it out as the exclusive preserve of the right.
144. He is as determined to preserve his positive face here as he is to defend his negative face in scene three.
145. Moves are now being made to lift the aircraft from its watery grave and preserve it locally.
146. Chun was coy only about his ambition for the presidency, and then only to preserve the formalities.
147. Each has argued for higher education to preserve the cultural fabric of society.
148. This is the exclusive preserve of the cave explorer who cares less for personal discomfort.
149. He also sought to preserve wheat for human consumption and issued a proclamation prohibiting the manufacture of starch from wheat.
150. But that is what they were in their fight to preserve the Falls.
More similar words: reservereservationserveobserveserve asobserverrepresentat presentfor the presentomnipresentpresentationrepresentationrepresentativenervedesertserviceservinginterventionobservationconservationconservativeresearchresemblesocial servicesresearcherpresspress forimpressdepressedpresident
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