Synonym: crowd, force, mob, multitude, pack, swarm, throng. Similar words: order, in order, ordeal, border, out of order, in order to, border on, disorder. Meaning: [hɔrd /hɔːd]
n. 1. a vast multitude 2. a nomadic community 3. a moving crowd.

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1, A horde of children ran over the office building.
2, The car attracted the interest of a horde of children.
3, They resembled a horde of human locusts.
4, The Goblin horde seemed hardly diminished.
5, The next morning Vauban and his horde of cavalry trotted into the castle grounds as if they were a welcoming relief.
6, The Horde have been, are and can be inspirational but don't always hit the target here.
7, Those who fail are convinced that a horde of Undead emerge from portals which magically open in the tapestries.
8, The horde of fans, press and camera crews, who assembled each morning and night at training, looked on quizzically.
9, Her images of that horde of ribald workmen looked positively endearing next to this man.
10, A horde of Goblins under Grom the Paunch pillaged eastern Ulthuan.
11, For it was in the primal horde that the first murder was performed, and this has haunted mankind ever since.
12, In the film Batman Returns a horde of large black bats swarmed through flooded tunnels into downtown Gotham.
13, According to Imperial records the horde gathered at the coast and began to construct a huge fleet.
14, By this time Skarsnik's horde had grown into a huge Waaagh.
15, Death to the enemies of the Horde!
16, Feel the awesome might of the Feron horde.
17, I spit on the Horde!
18, Before he sends his horde against the walls again.
19, Such an economy was highly dependent on a vast mass of skilled labour and a greater horde of the lesser skilled.
20, And great big chunks of the current Libertarian Party movement contain a horde of former left-wing nuts who are now Libertarian nuts.
21, Since then, people say, the beast, or, possibly, a horde of them,[] has been moving fast.
22, This co-operation is not simply within a group or hunting horde: it extends both across time and through time.
23, Communities driven from the countryside huddled behind heavily defended walls while outside the horde roamed and plundered at will.
24, After holing up for the winter of 2512 the horde descended into the eastern provinces of the Empire.
25, There they found their beloved girl, surrounded by a horde of chimpanzees that had found and taken care of her.
26, It's not half so mysterious when you've got a horde of parents dragging screaming kids around it.
27, He was turning the key when Sam and more of the devil's horde came running.
28, Over here, I hang out with punks like the Golden Horde and traditional musicians from the folk scene.
29, We should recall that man did not originally evolve in a liberal democracy, but in the primal horde.
30, That notion was being trampled into the earth by a thundering horde that barely had time to eat.
More similar words: order, in order, ordeal, border, out of order, in order to, border on, disorder, in order that, dictionary order, garden, herb garden, avant-garde, horn, whore, abhor, short, horror, hormone, shorts, anchor, horizon, in short, shorten, shortly, word, cord, cut short, thorough, metaphor.