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Poll in a sentence

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Sentence count:215+17Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: canvassquestionnairesurveyvoteSimilar words: pollutionpolypolepolicypoliceapologyapologizepoliticalMeaning: [pəʊl]  n. 1. an inquiry into public opinion conducted by interviewing a random sample of people 2. the top of the head 3. the part of the head between the ears 4. a tame parrot 5. the counting of votes (as in an election). v. 1. get the opinions (of people) by asking specific questions 2. vote in an election at a polling station 3. get the votes of 4. convert into a pollard. 
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151. Very much like being named No. 1 in the final Associated Press college football poll after the bowl games.
152. A company which refused to make attachment of earnings deductions against one poll tax offender, was fined £200 by magistrates.
153. That, at least, is the finding of a Harris Poll conducted for Shuttle by United.
154. He claimed he was inside for not paying his poll tax.
155. The poll, conducted by telephone Jan. 2-7, has a margin of error of 5. 5 percentage points.
156. Attitudes expressed in the poll reflect a society with conflicting views of firearms.
157. So the election countdown has effectively begun, though the poll probably will not be until May or June next year.
158. The poll, conducted this week, had a margin of error of 5 percent.
159. After changing his name by deed poll to Captain Beany he needed a renewed passport to match his new identity.
160. An Examiner poll showed that California voters, by a nearly 2-1 ratio, support the ban.
161. Because of the threat of poll tax capping this year, it was compelled to cut £5 million from its budget.
162. The poll tax registers, unlike the electoral registers, are updated monthly.
163. Mr Ashdown, buoyed up by the latest opinion poll results, has been touring both constituencies.
164. The poll, conducted last weekend, contains almost no comfort for the Tories.
165. The poll was conducted over the past week with a sample of 1,023 adults.
166. The council says the withholding of poll tax payments and industrial action by treasury staff have made it difficult to collect money.
167. In the event the poll was countermanded, but the affair reflected badly on the government and the Janata Dal.
168. But the Government has provided compensation allowances in income support payments equal to the average poll tax bill in each council area.
169. On this point it seems that the Literary Digest Poll and others committed two errors.
170. I suggested that he might think of removing the last three syllables from his name, which he did by deed poll.
171. If a newspaper commissioned a political poll based on the opinion of a single person it would immediately become a laughing-stock.
172. They also got a new source of money, the council tax, to replace Mrs Thatcher's hated poll tax.
173. In many ways, the poll tax embodies the attitude which dismisses our interdependence, and therefore our obligations towards each other.
173. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
174. Like the poll tax, the council tax would also take account of the number of adults in each household.
175. The importance of the head count element in the property poll tax is most clearly shown in the proposals for the discounts.
176. In the election day exit poll, two-thirds of Virginia voters expressed a negative opinion of Robertson.
177. The year before, 70 % in a breakfast television poll voted against it.
178. Darlington council has a sophisticated computer system to cope with the poll tax process.
179. Poll tax dodgers know the system will be scrapped in April and replaced by the Council Tax.
180. He proposed an amendment to the poll tax to take account of ability to pay and split the Conservative Party in 1988.
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