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Parenting in a sentence

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Sentence count:140Posted:2016-07-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: unrelentinglyparentapparentparentalgrandparentapparentlyhuntingcontinent
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121. Did they tut-tut as loudly over Northern Territory woman Vikki Johnston's lack of parenting skills, which led her seven-week-old son to die of starvation, as they had over Senator Conroy's story?
122. You are a big boy now and it is time to say goodby to that part of parenting you never had.
123. The web-based test asked participants to rate the face for traits such as dominance, longing, wealth, faithfulness, commitment, ralph lauren pas cher, parenting capabilities, and warmheartedness.
124. How relevant are consumerism and digital social networking to 21 st - century schooling and parenting?
125. I'm unwilling to believe that Palin is an uncaring mother, so this blithe statement of unreflective parenting reflects and reinforces what working women with children seem obliged to tell themselves.
126. While I find parenting older kids less tiring, I'm learning that it requires more advance planning.
127. Gay marriage supporters argue " genderless parenting" is just as good for children as opposite-sex parenting.
127. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
128. Surprisingly, children's aptitude for fibbing was not influenced by strict parenting or a religious upbringing, the study showed.
129. But others are weightier. Because parenting behaviors co-occur with children's developing personalities, many parents assume that their behaviors actually shape their children's personalities.
130. The stereotypical middle-aged man sporting a ponytail and a convertible is, I think, a product of the kind of selfishness that real parenting necessarily eliminates.
131. The goal of parenting is to prevent the adolescent from making mistakes.
132. Degu rats are biparental animals, which means parenting duties are split between the mothers and father.
133. Kids and sexuality — those words strike fear into the hearts of many parents. But talking to kids about sex is an important part of parenting.
134. Objective: To explore the relationship among childhood abuse, parenting styles and antisocial personality disorder.
135. But there is another crucial parenting secret: The Oliners also discovered that how those kind-hearted rescuers were raised greatly influenced the development of their kind-hearted nature.
136. This is not a hard - nosed , authoritarian boot camp approach to parenting.
137. In Tupelo, Mississippi, and other towns, a group called Birthing Project USA is asking for donations of baby blankets and diapers for pregnant and parenting young mothers.
138. Neuroplasticity research reveals that intelligence can be changed and guides us to educational and parenting strategies are neuro-logical to promote positive changes.
139. It's hard to feel bad about your parenting when your children are running, skipping, jumping, riding bikes, and laughing with joy at your side.
140. I was buying a sport coat a few weeks ago and Mark Michaels, the owner of the store, and I were discussing parenting.
More similar words: unrelentinglyparentapparentparentalgrandparentapparentlyhuntingcontinentaccountingcontinuingenticingconcentratingsentimentrentcontinuecontinuedrentaltake part incontinuouscurrentinherentdifferentcurrentlyratingvotingparkingentitysettingtestingmention
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