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Nasty in a sentence

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Sentence count:199+25Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: dirtydisgustingfilthyfoulnauseatingobnoxiousodiousoffensiverepulsiverevoltingsickeningunpleasantvileAntonym: cleanniceSimilar words: lifestylein a senseas soon asas soon as possiblelastvastfastas toMeaning: ['nnæstɪ /'nɑː-]  adj. 1. offensive or even (of persons) malicious 2. exasperatingly difficult to handle or circumvent 3. characterized by obscenity 4. disgustingly dirty; filled or smeared with offensive matter. 
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91) He had a nasty cut above the eye.
92) Don't trust him; he's a nasty piece of work.
93) The furniture looked cheap and nasty .
94) A nasty rumour about her is floating around town.
95) He's a nasty little man.
96) That nasty pin stopped me from moving my knight.
97) That's a nasty cut-come on, we'll get it all taped up.
98) The wound left a nasty mark on his face, so he grew beard over it to hide it.
99) There's a nasty mark on the tablecloth, and I don't think the usual washing powder will take it out.
100) She had a nasty tumble on her way to work and grazed her arm.
101) She got a nasty knock on the head when she fell.
102) He gave his back a nasty jar when he fell.
102) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
103) I can smell something nasty in the bottom of the fridge.
104) He fell and got a nasty bang on the head.
105) You told Mrs Cooper that it was me who tipped the paint over, didn't you - you nasty little sneak!
106) You've had a nasty crack on the head and you need to rest.
107) Where did the leader grub up that nasty bunch of soldier?
108) I went to school with him - he was nasty then and he's nasty now.
109) A nasty incident was prevented by the timely arrival of the police.
110) They'd be laughing making nasty remarks, and make passes at her.
111) I had a strong coffee to take away the nasty taste of the food.
112) The dog gave me a nasty nip on the leg.
113) With a nasty grin on his face he took out a knife.
114) In an editorial[], The Independent suggests the victory could turn nasty.
115) When you feel you've been cheated, it always leaves a nasty taste in the mouth .
116) She fell over and got a nasty crack on the head.
117) I got a nasty crack on the head when I went through that low door.
118) When this material burns, it flings off a nasty smell.
119) I have my limits. You will not use that kind of nasty language in class.
120) When Harry refused, Don turned nasty and went for him with both fists.
More similar words: lifestylein a senseas soon asas soon as possiblelastvastfastas toblastbeastboastpastacoastleastat lastpastora stagebreastat leasttaste ofcoastalnortheasteasternplasticsoutheastas thoughin the pastcontrastdisasterin the least
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