Antonym: noninterference. Similar words: interfere, interfere in, interfere with, reference, deference, inference, conference, preference. Meaning: [‚ɪntə(r)fərəns] n. 1. a policy of intervening in the affairs of other countries 2. the act of hindering or obstructing or impeding 3. electrical or acoustic activity that can disturb communication 4. (American football) blocking a player's path with your body 5. any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome.
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151. The aim of the law of public nuisance is to prevent interference with the rights of the public at large.
152. To achieve these purposes, such organisations must be free from government interference or control. 4.
153. The unlawful means adopted may be considerably more remote than interference in the contractual relationship between B and his servants.
154. This would be an unreasonable interference by Congress in the free marketplace.
155. Proton magnetometers are also susceptible to interference from overhead cables.
156. The high gas prices and long lines were prolonged by government interference in the private sector.
157. For that reason, his contract was terminated by local management, without any interference from above.
158. Within the confines of the steel hull the interference was less.
159. The interference caused by the latter may be eliminated by preparing a protein-free filtrate. 264.
160. The defendants' conduct was not unconscionable,( nor an interference with any legal or equitable right of the plaintiffs.
161. They are expected suddenly to adapt to the modern world after a century of colonial domination and outside interference.
162. Again it's cheap, and offers the least resistance to outside interference.
163. That right to freedom of expression includes freedom to impart information and ideas without interference by public authority.
164. In recent years, the evidence for proprietorial interference has become even more weighty.
165. External designs are easiest to work on but most prone to interference from mud and water.
166. Denver ran a mighty interference and on the third day flat-out asked Paul D how long he was going to hang around.
167. The chairman was arrested, and his phone records showed numerous calls from Vajpayee's office, raising questions of political interference.
168. Doctors may not, for example, be happy with, interference in their work by somebody who lacks their medical expertise.
169. But at the quantum level these terms give important interference effects.
170. And we were not pleased about the interference in our religious ceremonies.
171. No Irina Volkova to goad him with her arrogance and her interference.
172. I want an inspectorate to have the ability to make comments and criticisms and to be free of direct government interference.
173. Roberts, riding Pride Of King, caused interference inside the final furlong in the same race.
174. But I believe - most of us believe - that this is not a legitimate area for Government interference.
175. More than 20 schools have complained of interference in school life and criticism of long established customs.
176. High bilirubin concentration effects the color in most other glucose determinations, but bilirubin causes little interference in the o-toluidine procedure.
177. Interference and ghost images caused by reflections of the received signal are more easily cancelled out in a digital television.
178. Another unresolved conflict concerns possible interference between domestic or commercial users who have installed systems in neighbouring premises.
179. In 1979, prosecutors charged Klan members in Detroit with conspiracy against the rights of citizens and interference with federally protected activities.
180. The delegates wanted both a stable militia and a stable national standing army, providing the states could prevent uninvited national interference.
More similar words: interfere, interfere in, interfere with, reference, deference, inference, conference, preference, difference, make a difference, counterfeiter, counterfeit, coherence, irreverence, interest, interested, interesting, lose interest, different, indifferent, deferential, deferentially, preferential, differentiate, sentence, occurrence, painter, wintery, interim, encounter.