Synonym: acutely, aggressively, crisply, precipitously, sharp. Similar words: sharp, shared, shark, a share, shareholder, purple, carpet, fair play. Meaning: [ˈʃɑːplɪ] adv. 1. in an aggressive manner 2. in a well delineated manner 3. changing suddenly in direction and degree 4. very suddenly and to a great degree.
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1) She turned the wheel sharply to the left.
2) Prices have risen sharply over the last few months.
3) Public opinion is sharply polarized on this issue.
4) 'Is there a problem?' he asked sharply.
5) The report was sharply critical of the police.
6) House prices are expected to rise sharply.
7) She prodded me sharply in the ribs.
8) The car swerved sharply to avoid the dog.
9) The price of oil has risen sharply.
10) The fighting in the area has intensified sharply.
11) The import of cotton goods went up sharply.
12) He checked his horse sharply.
13) The lorry swerved sharply to avoid the child.
14) The manager rebuked the salesgirl sharply for being rude to customers.
15) The phone trilled sharply.
16) Our share of the market has decreased sharply this year.
17) Inflate your life jacket by pulling sharply on the cord.
18) Commodity prices fell sharply.
19) She pressed her foot down sharply on the brake pedal.
20) The only time we sharply disagreed was over the children's education.
21) He rapped sharply on the door.
22) Lucie whistled sharply to catch the other girl's attention.
23) He pinched me sharply on the arm.
24) Her injured arm pained her sharply.
25) Her ears are sharply attuned to her baby's cry.
26) The price of coal fell sharply.
27) Opinion is sharply divided .
28) She pulled sharply on the reins.
29) On the other side of the hill[],( the land falls away sharply.
30) Despite the fact that she was wearing a seat belt, she was thrown sharply forward.