Antonym: noninterference. Similar words: interfere, interfere in, interfere with, reference, deference, inference, conference, preference. Meaning: [‚ɪntə(r)fərəns] n. 1. a policy of intervening in the affairs of other countries 2. the act of hindering or obstructing or impeding 3. electrical or acoustic activity that can disturb communication 4. (American football) blocking a player's path with your body 5. any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome.
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181. They're investigating allegations of interference with witnesses and tampering with evidence in a forthcoming trial.
182. The existence of these characteristics required the independence of the profession from interference by government.
183. Figure 2 shows the blood film of the patient with the highest number of pits when viewed under differential interference contrast microscopy.
184. For speech recognition the principal operational difficulty to be faced is the interference to the acoustic signal from background noise.
185. But perhaps the strongest deterrent to a unified front against Fujimori is the region's almost instinctive opposition to U.S. interference.
186. This aggressive religious interference in Sri Lanka is a major factor in the destabilisation of the country.
187. Midge protested at what she saw as bureaucratic interference in what should have been a private grief.
188. Increasing rate of environmental sampling with arousal improves information transfer but creates interference in short-term memory from competing information being sampled.
189. Party political interference, he said, rejecting the possibility of a London police authority, was especially to be abhorred.
190. One manufacturer, Superswitch, provides 16 possible address codes to ensure that neighbours can avoid mutual interference if they want to.
191. This meant a fight between the two belligerents, without interference from anyone.
192. In Band B, address codes alone could not prevent interference.
193. Despite the interference in short term memory, the overall increase in information sampled will improve long term memory.
194. Food is shared to reduce risks of damage in fighting and to prevent interference with eating.
195. After 79 years I've yet to meet anyone genuinely pleased at this interference with natural time.
196. Security was increased during the elections to ensure public order and to prevent any interference with polling stations.
197. This could help to prevent interference, in the absence of filters.
198. Interference pattern Today's cellphone networks treat the interference information as unwanted noise and discard it.
199. Interference from the native language is probably one of the most noticeable aspects of the early stages in second language learning.
200. Other interference theories attribute latent inhibition to the effects of an association between the pre-exposed stimulus and its consequences.
201. The area utilized to conduct this type of research and evaluation must have a low radio noise interference level.
202. An important consequence of this is that one can observe what is called interference between two sets of waves or particles.
203. This would appear to legitimise his interference in operational matters in appropriate cases.
204. Our intervention with the lamp has destroyed the interference pattern.
205. In the meantime, the Air Force chief seems to be seething at civilian interference in a military matter.
206. Left to themselves, without adult interference, groups of children tend to become more rather than less aggressive as time goes by.
207. According to the interference theory, animals forget things not because memory fades but because other memories displace them.
208. Martinus, a just man, protested to Paulus, who promptly threatened him with instant imprisonment for his interference.
209. The attitude of employers is one of annoyance at what they see as government interference for electoral purposes.
210. Although hypertonicity may develop from extrarenal causes alone, more frequently hypertonicity results from interference with the formation of a concentrated urine.
More similar words: interfere, interfere in, interfere with, reference, deference, inference, conference, preference, difference, make a difference, counterfeiter, counterfeit, coherence, irreverence, interest, interested, interesting, lose interest, different, indifferent, deferential, deferentially, preferential, differentiate, sentence, occurrence, painter, wintery, interim, encounter.