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Insolvency in a sentence

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Sentence count:102Posted:2016-11-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: solvencyinsolventsolventinsolencesolveabsolveresolvedissolveMeaning: [ɪn'sɑlvənsɪ /-'sɒl-]  n. the lack of financial resources. 
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31. Insolvency: The inability to pay one's debts fall due.
32. Market fears of bank insolvency, particularly, have been assuaged.
33. The company is in a state of insolvency.
34. The ultimate cause was insolvency, not lack of liquidity.
35. The insolvency of the banks is just one example.
36. Bankruptcy: Legal state of insolvency.
37. Insolvency matters are covered under the Bankruptcy Code.
38. The company is on the verge of insolvency.
39. Greece will still be perilously close to insolvency.
40. Managerial Incentive and Recovery from PFI Project Insolvency.
41. Normal insolvency procedures should not be applied to banks.
42. It didn't work: the banks, laden with bad loans, faced outsize insolvency problems, not just a shortage of liquid funds.
43. Secondly, damages should occur during the critical period before insolvency proceedings begin.
44. Otherwise, once the problems of enterprises to enter insolvency proceedings, the risks of banks will increase.
45. In truth an insolvency was never really on the cards.
46. As for the system(, it probes the questions about legislative style arrangements and how to coordinate the different paths of the relief system and how to coordinate with the insolvency proceedings.
47. A big potential market abroad bragged by his partner led him down the primrose path to insolvency.
48. What does not transfer where the transferor employer is subject to insolvency proceedings?
49. If the association is unable to pay its debts or is overindebted, the board must petition for the commencement of insolvency proceedings.
50. "There are scores of hospitals that are slowly asphyxiating and slipping into insolvency, " the report said[], "as they divert capital dollars to fund operations.
51. As a result, the specter of shareholder opportunism vis-a-vis creditors becomes an increasingly significant agency cost for firms approaching insolvency.
52. Economists call that basic budgeting. It has saved Leatherman from financial insolvency - that and other tactics like bartering for new equipment. For these tools, he traded his hard labor.
53. Whereas the legislation and practice of United States, Europe and other countries in the modern world show that in the insolvency proceedings, the bankruptcy courts usually compel arbitration.
54. Financial crisis resulted in bank insolvency, pensions and shrinking the value of real estate.
55. The special ness of bank insolvency legal framework first lies in its value system: Order is on the first level, Justice and Efficiency should be realized on the second.
56. An insolvency specialist today warned of a "deluge" of business failures next year, saying the UK is in the mid-point of a W-shaped recession.
57. The government should be able to dangle an insolvency law as an incentive to cooperate.
58. A lower court ruled in December that clients who didn't have properly-segregated funds would be treated as unsecured creditors in the U.K. insolvency case.
59. Company debt outstanding, which filed for bankruptcy by their creditors request has recently been accepted, SST too since the new judicial insolvency proceedings.
60. So, International cooperation is crucial to resolve the legal issues of cross-border bank insolvency.
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