Similar words: send, send for, send in, send out, sender, God, go down, mindset. Meaning: n. a sudden happening that brings good fortune (as a sudden opportunity to make money).
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1. It was a godsend that he was there.
2. Her gift of money was a godsend.
3. Pharmacists are a godsend when you don't feel sick enough to call the doctor.
4. The grant was a real godsend, especially considering the theatre was due to close next month.
5. The hot weather has been a godsend for ice-cream sellers.
6. It was a godsend to have him there just when we needed someone.
7. This new benefit has come as a godsend for low-income families.
8. This was an absolute godsend to beginners.
9. So I was something of a godsend for her.
10. It was a godsend for the women.
11. It was a godsend to news editors.
12. A pity, as both would have been a godsend.
13. The river proves a godsend for the sweaty, sun-dazzled tourist.
14. A Godsend for anyone who has to submit work as it gets rid of the chance of sending a duff disk.
15. The good weather has been a real godsend for construction companies.
15. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
16. And the biggest - the biggest godsend that ever came to Bass's in the maltings was the endless belt.
17. Although this godsend might do palpable good for needy individuals and worthy institutions, I feel that it is still somehow unclean.
18. It was a godsend for the guerrilla gardeners who found the turf easier to strip back.
19. This declared that the whole affair was' a godsend, a windfall, an apocalypse for Mr. Ruskin.
20. This could be a godsend to the smallholder, especially on poor, cold land.
21. That's a godsend: I'm saved!
22. The rent was due, so your cheque came as an absolute godsend!
23. In Charleston, where people would rather perish. than seek professional counseling, she was a godsend.
24. With cash for extra books and other materials so short nowadays these packs are a godsend to schools.
25. But for one of our biggest industries it's a positive godsend.
26. In view of this[], the drugs trade looks like a Godsend.
27. So his meeting with the coffee broker was pure godsend.
28. To a world that was flat, static, agricultural and largely illiterate, those books were, literally, a godsend.
29. The first is fraternal, popular entertainment, and a financial godsend for health care and education.
30. His posting to the War Office had seemed a godsend.