1. The mills of
God grind slowly.

God sends meat and the devil sends cooks.

3. Mills of
God grind slowly but sure.

God helps those who help themselves.

5. Whom
God would ruin, he first deprives of reason.

6. The noblest work of
God?Man, Who found it out?Man.

7. We must not lie, and cry,
God help us.

8. The mills of
God grind slowly but sure.

God never shuts one door but he opens another.

10. The nearer to church, the farther from

God’s mill grinds slow but sure.

12. An honest
God is the noblest work of man.

13. There but for the grace of
God, go I.

God will pardon me, it is his trade.

15. God sends fortune to fools.
16. Man is a
god or a devil to his neighbour.

God is Love, I dare say, but what a mischievous devil Love is.

God is a circle whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.

19. Though the mills of
God grind slowly, yet they grind exceedingly small.

God defend me from my friends; form my enemy I can defend myself.

21. If
God had meant us to fly he'd have given us wings.

21. Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and make good sentences.
22. Man proposes, God disposes.
23. If
God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him.

24. Man is to man either a
god or a wolf.

25. You must become either a
god or else a coupes.

26. If we only had some
God in the country's laws, instead of beng in such a sweat to get him into the Constitution, it would be better all around.

27. Woe is me. Me thinks I'm turning into a

28. The laws of Nature, that is to say the laws of
God, plainly made every human being a law unto himself, we must steadfastly refuse to obey those laws, and we must as steadfastly stand by the conventions which ignore them, since the statutes furnish us peace, fairly good government and stability, and therefore are better for us than the laws of God, which would soon plunge us into confusion and disorder and anarchy if we should adopt them.

29. The voice of the people is the voice of

30. All things are artificial, for nature is the art of

1. Good luck and God bless you.
2. They believe that God created the world.
3. God have mercy on us.
4. May God bless you with a long life!
5. Her recovery was a special providence of God.
6. God looked down from on high.
7. I enjoy going to church and worshipping God.
8. I hope to God he turns up.
9. My God, what a mess!
10. The idea of heaven presupposes the existence of God.
11. It is impossible to prove the existence of God.
12. God is often conceived of as male.
13. Prayer is a form of communion with God.
14. She professed a belief in God.
15. Ministers are called the servants of God.
16. Do you believe God created the universe?
17. For god sake,please tell me the truth.
18. That man has a strong belief in God.
19. Thank God nobody was hurt in the accident.
20. They all worship the same god.
21. Most Americans still believe in God .
21. Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and make good sentences.
22. God only knows what'll happen next!
23. The existence of God is beyond human understanding .
24. Do you believe in God?
25. Thank God you found the key.
26. This shrine is sacred to the Hindu god Vishnu.
27. In those days people might sacrifice a goat or sheep to propitiate an angry god.
28. The Bible teaches that all people are equal before God.
29. I swear by Almighty God that the evidence I shall give ...
30. Apollo was the Greek god of the arts, prophecy, medicine and light.