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Sender in a sentence

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Sentence count:132Posted:2016-09-22Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: receiverSimilar words: gendertenderrenderoffenderdefenderindependentindependencebe independent ofMeaning: ['sendə(r)]  n. 1. someone who transmits a message 2. set used to broadcast radio or tv signals. 
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1. If undelivered, please return to sender.
2. On the customs declaration, the sender labeled the freight as agricultural machinery.
3. The parcel was returned to the sender because the directions were incorrect.
4. The sender of the first correct answer to be drawn will receive £100.
5. The sender of the best letter every week will win a cheque for £20.
6. The letter came back with 'return to sender - not known at this address' written on it.
7. The sender of the first correct entry drawn will win a weekend for two in Venice.
8. The sender has a choice of means.
9. We have no information on the sender yet.
10. Drill and tap to suit your sender unit.
11. The sender and receiver have different expectations.
12. When the sender generates a message[],( the system generates a random 128-bit number as a session key for that message only.
13. A sender transmits information through a communication channel to a receiver.
14. Postage stamps were introduced in Britain in 1840 as a way of showing that the sender had paid for the letter to be delivered.
15. A typical PDA can function as a mobile phone, fax sender, and personal organizer.
16. The package offered no clue as to the identity of the sender.
17. The carrier is relieved of his liability if the loss or damage was caused by negligence on behalf of the sender when issuing instructions.
18. Accent, tone, fluency and vocabulary can affect the ability of sender and receiver to understand or to be understood.
19. And instead of being from Media Hotline, it identified Food Lion as the sender.
20. In February 1936 the Popular Front won the elections by sender majority.
21. Most unsolicited scripts and script proposals get summarily returned to sender.
22. We have seen how coherence is created by our interaction with the text and is jointly created by both sender and receiver.
23. In this example, evaluating the source may help the receiver to extract the meaning intended by the sender.
24. Success in communication depends as much upon the receiver as on the sender.
25. It will be determined by the receivers rather than, as in the first exercise, by the sender.
26. All bank or exchange charges must be paid in advance by the sender.
27. Punching postman Tony Thornton says he's going to stamp on Eubank - but Eubank plans to return the challenger to sender.
28. According to this principle, we interpret language on the assumption that its sender is obeying four maxims.
29. Forwarded messages are just like replies except they're not addressed to the original sender.
30. Therefore the digital signature verifies both the identity of the sender and the authenticity of the data in the document.
More similar words: gendertenderrenderoffenderdefenderindependentindependencebe independent ofsendsend forsend insend outunderwanderfounderunder waycommanderundergoreminderfall undercome undervendettatendencyextendedwanderlustundermineundertakeunderstanddependentunderlying
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