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Genetics in a sentence

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Sentence count:254+6Posted:2017-02-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: genetic scienceSimilar words: geneticfreneticelectromagnetic spectrumaestheticsmagneticenergeticdiamagneticparamagneticMeaning: n. the branch of biology that studies heredity and variation in organisms. 
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91 Education scholars often say: the human learning achievement depends on genetics, environment, and education.
92 Objective To probe into the molecular genetics basis for para - Bombay phenotype.
93 These include the canvas extractors developed by the Institute of Forest Genetics at Placerville California.
94 Ropers told the meeting that single gene disorders such as thalassaemia and specific types of mental retardation are being ignored and that they are the "biggest unmet challenge in clinical genetics".
95 Molecular Genetics of Plant Development . Stephen Howell , Cambridge University Press, 1998.
96 "It's the visuals, " says Nick Anthony, a professor of poultry breeding and genetics at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville.
97 The 11th edition contains new chapters covering Pharmacology, Headache and Genetics and has all new color illustrations and figures.
97 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
98 This included genetic improvement of strains by protoplast fusion and molecular biology and studies on genetic variability by zymogram technology and molecular genetics.
99 Botany, zoology, biochemistry and molecular biology, cell biology, microbiology, genetics, fermentation engineering.
100 Genetics & IVF discovered a method using preimplantation genetic testing for the prevention of Huntington disease.
101 My interests are bioinformatics, genomics, medical genetics, cell biology, and malacology.
102 The aim of the Journal is to integrate perspectives across molecular and microbial evolution, behaviour, genetics, ecology, life histories, development, palaeontology, systematics and morphology.
103 Mitochondrial DNA as an ideal genetic marker has been successfully applied to the study of population and evolutionary genetics of crabs.
104 With support from the National Institutes of Health, the experimental Genetics Citation Index was published, and that led to the 1961 publication of the Science Citation Index.
105 Your basal metabolic rate — the energy your body expends at rest — is generally determined by your genetics, but new research shows you can trick your body into burning calories more efficiently.
106 And taxonomy adapts the evidences of ultrastructure, genetics and molecular biology to form a comprehensive branch of mycology.
107 Dr Watson continued as head of the Cold Spring Harbour genetics laboratory until 2007, when he made some injudicious remarks about genetics and black people and found himself suddenly retired.
108 If true, such leapfrogging would circumvent the normal rules of genetics established by Gregor Mendel in 1865.
109 "It's a breakthrough," says Jaime Gongora,an expert in avian genetics at the University of Sydney. "Extractingeven a little more DNA is really important with ancient samples."
110 Likely cause: Known as bruxism, teeth-grinding varies from jaw clenching to ferocious grinding that wears teeth down to stumps. It is usually due to genetics or stress.
111 Some couples may have family history of genetic diseases like Albinism, Haemophilia, G6PD deficiency or Colour blindness. Tests on genetics may therefore be performed.
112 The scientists, whose findings were published on 22 May in The Plant Journal, modified Arabidopsis thaliana, a relative of mustard that is often used in research on plant genetics.
113 "This [study] is extremely important, " says hematologist Alex Felice of the University of Malta and Mater Dei Hospital, who has studied the genetics of a related blood disorder.
114 But he's arguably the globe's leading authority on soybean genetics and the precise brew of fertilizer, fungicide, weed killer, water — and yes, a pinch of sugar — required to grow a knockout crop.
115 Results of the research fill up the blank in the field of Sciaenidae species genetics. Meanwhile it is important to protect the genetics diversity of the marine fishes in our country.
116 The formal genetics of mammalian cells has been dependent on breeding experiment with whole organisms.
117 No one had a clue until modern genetics that a hive is a radical matriarchy and sisterhood: all bees, except the few good-for-nothing drones, are female and sisters.
118 Weight gain or genetics may lead to a double chin.
119 White energy, which is rooted in Pleiadian genetics is straight and pierces holes in rotational energy, causing the field of another to tatter leading to the form becoming ill.
120 Social and ethical concomitants of cognitive and behavioral genetics: eugenics, social Darwisinism, race, sex.
More similar words: geneticfreneticelectromagnetic spectrumaestheticsmagneticenergeticdiamagneticparamagneticmagnetic fieldferromagneticmagnetic domainelectromagneticelectromagnetic wavemonetizemonetisegeneat one timepenetratemagnetismpenetratinggeneralgenerategenerouspoliticsin generalacousticssemanticsdegenerategenerationgenerality
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