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Showy in a sentence

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Sentence count:100Posted:2017-02-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: flashyostentatiousSimilar words: snowyshadowyshowshoutshopshotshow inshoveMeaning: ['ʃəʊɪ]  adj. 1. marked by ostentation but often tasteless 2. displaying brilliance and virtuosity 3. (used especially of clothes) marked by conspicuous display. 
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1. Her dress was too showy for such a formal occasion.
2. Since he was color blind, he favored large, showy flowers.
3. He is gorgeous, not strong, but showy.
4. The species is distinguished by its showy white flowers.
5. She wore a lot of cheap, showy jewelry.
6. Pekin dinner service, silver cutlery, crystal glasses, showy white napkins, all in order.
7. Winningham delivers Oscar-caliber work, too, in the less showy but equally complex and demanding title role.
8. She didn't like thunder; it was over-dramatic and showy, like tropical plants.
9. The males stay behind, for their showy manes would only disturb the hunt whose technique is stealth.
10. But why should the choice involve a showy crown or a pair of luminous buttocks?
11. Though hardly a showy plant, its needle-thin blades look almost silver, especially when covered by a film of dew.
12. Some bowerbirds are bright and showy, but others are drab and excite their females with elaborate shelters instead.
13. It is a great shame that such a showy and obliging plant does not seem to be sold by any nursery today.
14. Showy hibiscus hybrids and elegant topiary bore my green-fingered crew.
15. The bottom half is a counterpoint to the showy fecundity of the top.
16. Then they returned to their showy vehicles and went racing away with squealing tyres.
17. A gaudy or showy ornament or trinket.
18. To adorn ( oneself ) in a showy manner.
19. A bauble is a showy ornament of little value.
20. Colorful, showy display; pageantry or pomp.
21. The clothes were very showy, very theatrical.
22. He had changed his showy shoulder - strap.
23. California plant having grasslike leaves and showy orange flowers.
24. She often wears that cheap showy rhinestone bracelet.
25. But the winter container's secret weapon, planted in layers under showy pansies or polyanthus,[] is the spring-flowering bulb.
26. I see her again, very straight, dressed in light colors, not at all showy.
27. What were they all doing there, paying a small fortune for their showy booths to catch the politicians' eyes?
28. In fact, he reportedly blew it out with a stunning, if showy, throw-out at third.
29. In these pieces the three higher parts are clearly distinguished from the two lower and given showy coloratura.
30. Any of various ornamental, mostly climbing plants of the genus Clematis, native chiefly to northern temperate regions and having showy, variously colored flowers or decorative fruit clusters.
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