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Outnumber in a sentence

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Sentence count:71+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: exceedSimilar words: account numbernumbera number ofany number ofto the number ofa large number ofslumberlumberingMeaning: v. be larger in number. 
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1. Their failures vastly outnumber their successes.
2. Flats outnumber houses in this area.
3. A new pet census showed that cats now outnumber dogs by a whisker .
4. Men in prison vastly outnumber women.
5. Men still outnumber women in the paid workforce.
6. Payments by cheque easily outnumber cash transactions.
7. In nursing, women still outnumber men by four to one.
8. Men outnumber women here in the ratio of three to one.
9. In our office, the women outnumber the men 3 to 1.
10. In this profession, women outnumber men by two to one .
11. The failures, however, far outnumber them.
12. Their numbers will outnumber us, as do insects.
13. After all, the dead far outnumber the living!
14. After that,[] the women outnumber the men.
15. Today, tax-raisers outnumber tax-cutters by nearly seven to one.
16. Sergeants and corporals outnumber private soldiers.
17. The indifferent continue to greatly outnumber the inspired when it comes to decentralized management in that important segment of the management population.
18. Women who undergo cosmetic surgery still far outnumber their male counterparts.
19. Yet in the long run, diet failures vastly outnumber the successes.
20. So does Sedimentary Petrology, whose pages outnumber those of its older competitor by three to one.
21. Women teachers outnumber their male colleagues by two to one.
22. Beyond 75, women outnumber men by almost two to one.
23. The navy's 52 admirals and commodores outnumber serviceable ships by a ratio of six to one.
24. Thinly veiled portraits of actual people in fiction vastly outnumber this type of unlucky strike.
25. But what will happen when the holders of all those assets outnumber the buyers?
26. The table below shows that private and semi-official schools far outnumber state-run schools at secondary level.
27. It is a key prediction of this chapter that in the future analogue computers will outnumber digital ones.
27. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
28. According to a national survey of 50 salons, requests for red hair outnumber those for blond for the first time.
29. And by the fourth issue of Oz the plaudits were beginning to outnumber the brickbats.
30. It's now estimated that by 2010, children in stepfamilies will actually outnumber those living with two biological parents.
More similar words: account numbernumbera number ofany number ofto the number ofa large number ofslumberlumberinglumberjackcumbersomeincumbentmembertimberchamberlimber upnovembersomberlyrememberdecemberbeachcombergas chambermembershipantechambersputnikjejunumper annummonumentduodenumaluminumnumerous
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