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Genetics in a sentence

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Sentence count:254+6Posted:2017-02-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: genetic scienceSimilar words: geneticfreneticelectromagnetic spectrumaestheticsmagneticenergeticdiamagneticparamagneticMeaning: n. the branch of biology that studies heredity and variation in organisms. 
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121 Population genetics and RAPD was used to research the genetic diversity of 14 Artemisia frigida populations in different Synusiologic area of Inner Mongolia.
122 I think he is more of a genetics sponge an originator of unique guppy genetics knowledge.
123 Genetics used of a chromosome that is not paired or united with its homologous chromosome during synapsis .
124 There had been much controversy concerning the genetics of unpatterned tabbies in the American Shorthair (ASH) breed.
125 Research areas include medical microbiology, virology, AIDS, biosciences , immunology , genetics, evolution, biochemistry and ecology etc.
126 Objective To study the characteristics of molecular genetics concerning Chinese myoclonic epilepsy and ragged-red fiber disease (MERRF).
127 A responsible, reputable breeder knows the genetics behind a pedigree.
127 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
128 Conclusion:D12S1686 is such a valuable genetic marker that it can be used to gene linkage analysis and population genetics research.
129 The powerful combination of gentility and brashness she acknowledges comes her way by genetics.
130 Recent molecular genetics studies have revealed a genetic network that enables the critical daylength response of florigen gene expression.
131 Objective: Application of heuristic teaching idea is studied in genetics teaching.
132 Evolutionary biologists uncover the history of life on Earth from geology, paleontology, botany, zoology, biogeography, comparative anatomy and physiology, genetics, and so on.
133 Objective To study the relationship between the pathological classification and molecular genetics of hydatidiform mole.
134 What if you could predetermine the genetics of your newborn baby?
135 The genetics of asthma and atopy is complex, but can be approached by studies of both candidate genes and mapping of susceptibility loci.
136 Population genetics and molecular phylogeny are the important contents for research of mollusc genetics.
137 To this end the physiological and genetical basis as well as the population genetics of key behavioural elements are investigated.
138 Testing saliva is "not uncommon, " said Ben Sacks, director of the Canid Diversity and Conservation Unit of the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory.
139 In 1935, one of the founders of modern genetics, JBS Haldane, studied a group of men with the blood disease haemophilia. He speculated that there would be around 150 new mutations in each of us.
140 In addition, the book features chapters about modern genetics[], zen buddhism and neuroscience.
141 Apetalous property is very useful in rapeseed genetics and breeding.
142 However the former cloning methods such as map-base cloning or transposon tagging which based on forward genetics can only cloned one or several genes at the same time.
143 Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers are highly polymorphic, codominant, well-repeated and convenient. It has become a useful molecular marker technique in studying plant genetics and breeding.
144 Objective: To study the pedigree character of the true pattern in palmar hypothenar area, and study the genetics of the true pattern in human palmar hypothenar area.
145 It'shows that DYS 413 locus is high valuable in the application of forensic medicine and genetics.
146 The progress of the study on evolution and conservation genetics of Cervidae was reviewed.
147 Modern genetics Began with the work of Gregor Mendel, who formulated the Basic concepts of heredity.
148 This article reviews the molecular mechanism and genetics of vascular cognitive impairment.
149 Canadian genetics study has shown that smoking may damage a man's sperm, which can be detrimentally passed along to offspring.
150 Gregor Mendel is known as the father of genetics. Yet he would not have called genetics by that name.
More similar words: geneticfreneticelectromagnetic spectrumaestheticsmagneticenergeticdiamagneticparamagneticmagnetic fieldferromagneticmagnetic domainelectromagneticelectromagnetic wavemonetizemonetisegeneat one timepenetratemagnetismpenetratinggeneralgenerategenerouspoliticsin generalacousticssemanticsdegenerategenerationgenerality
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