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Exclusive in a sentence

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Sentence count:283+19Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: inclusiveSimilar words: exclusivelyexcludeexcludingconclusionexcessiveclustermassiveoffensiveMeaning: [ɪk'skluːsɪv]  n. a news report that is reported first by one news organization. adj. 1. not divided or shared with others 2. excluding much or all; especially all but a particular group or minority 3. not divided among or brought to bear on more than one object or objective. 
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211. That, he says, would erode the value of any exclusive agreement with Quaker.
212. Manifestations of ethnicity that are exclusive of others or that hold the potential to generate conflict tend to be avoided.
213. William Titford had paid five guineas during the 1870s for the exclusive right of burial in his chosen plot.
214. It would be smaller than the local municipal pool and less exclusive than the country club.
215. Nestling in the hillside in the grounds of the Estate are some of the most exclusive holiday homes in the world.
216. Perhaps like Groucho Marx they have other views about exclusive clubs.
217. However, he did not seem to comprehend the possibility that self organisation and compulsion are mutually exclusive.
218. Capcom has an exclusive distribution agreement for Archer's QSound chip for the video arcade industry.
219. However he stresses that, unlike the impulse ice cream market, there is no exclusive agreement for these freezers.
220. Her friends, also studying at exclusive colleges, said they had no difficulty being served drink despite their ages.
221. Once you get too exclusive, too obsessed with a place(, you are worshipping false gods.
222. The assertion of exclusive rights will, however, be actionable in tort.
223. Amdega's exclusive design service is absolutely free and includes drawings and quotations.
224. For example, exclusive dealing has been condemned in anticompetitive practice reports on several occasions.
225. First, schedule 3 to the Act exempts some exclusive dealing arrangements.
226. Stockton was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, a pretty exclusive club.
227. The categories are neither intended to be mutually exclusive nor all-embracing.
228. The families of Oneida really did seem to be learning how to overcome exclusive feelings.
229. But it was a very exclusive part of town and there were always eccentric ladies puttering around at night.
230. Two of the most exclusive beers in the world are drawing in the drinkers at the only pub where they're sold.
231. He admired Machiavelli for recognizing that sometimes our ends are mutually exclusive and for facing that fact unblinkingly.
232. Even Marshall had brushed aside all suggestions of having a few minutes to spare to give Harbury something exclusive.
233. The HMOs offer a physician group an exclusive contract to take care of a large volume of patients.
234. Both questions have to receive affirmative answers,( and they are not mutually exclusive.
235. We identified co-operative federalism with concurrent powers as a contrast to competitive federalism and exclusive powers.
236. But whatever the parentage, this new decentralized way admits to no national origin nor exclusive use by anyone.
237. To start, Ariana will demand an exclusive distribution contract, co-operative advertising funds and a 50% royalty.
238. This includes a person who is entitled to immediate and exclusive possession.
239. The two policy approaches - attracting staff to deprived areas and improving the standard of deprived areas - are not mutually exclusive.
240. Xorandor's logic transgresses that of binary systems because he combines mutually exclusive operations.
More similar words: exclusivelyexcludeexcludingconclusionexcessiveclustermassiveoffensiveextensivedefensiveimpressiveaggressiveprogressivecomprehensiveplusclueincludestimulusmusicwanderlustcousinincludingconcludeillustratemusicalhousingmusicianbusinessexceedmusic stand
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