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Exclusive in a sentence

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Sentence count:283+19Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: inclusiveSimilar words: exclusivelyexcludeexcludingconclusionexcessiveclustermassiveoffensiveMeaning: [ɪk'skluːsɪv]  n. a news report that is reported first by one news organization. adj. 1. not divided or shared with others 2. excluding much or all; especially all but a particular group or minority 3. not divided among or brought to bear on more than one object or objective. 
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181. It claims to be the athletics network, having bought exclusive rights to the sport in Britain for £10.5m in 1985.
182. First, they both prevent any one employee from exercising exclusive control over specific functions or applications.
183. But, once they had seen the flat in the exclusive block where Rosemary lived, no other accommodation bore comparison.
184. There will be exclusive coverage of the championship on Channel 5.
185. The fabulous Crillon, with its marble columns, crystal chandeliers and tapestries, was probably the most exclusive hotel in Paris.
186. The Raptors will have an exclusive bargaining window beginning in August.
187. Amelia became a student at one of the most exclusive finishing schools in the country, a school called Ogontz.
188. Amtrak does, although Conrail has an exclusive right to operate any freight trains on the corridor.
189. And we've got an exclusive picture of it-a week before the official launch shots.
190. The recent takeover gave Rafferty exclusive control of the company.
191. Unhappily, I am not a member of the exclusive club of
192. Seibel has exclusive rights to play the late, witty illustrator, and comes to Tucson as part of a national tour.
193. Like the ages of flint, bronze and iron these phases were not exclusive.
194. These edges can be considered mutually exclusive interpretations of some stretch of the utterance defined by the z and x axis.
195. They acquired joint and exclusive occupation of the flat in consideration of periodical payments and they therefore acquired a tenancy jointly.
196. Morris says, before noting that neither he nor the rest of the band is exclusive when it comes to music listening.
197. There are also exclusive interviews and highlights of the playoff series with the San Diego Padres.
198. It wanted the new structure to be a financially independent party with exclusive political loyalty from its members.
199. But just when he was thinking it was his exclusive preserve, along came Monty.
200. From here too visitors are ideally placed to discover the wealth of exclusive boutiques and designer names displayed all along the promenade.
201. The transcripts start with either coding segment 1 or segment 2; coding segments 1 and 5 are mutually exclusive.
202. Many early studies, for example, were seriously flawed by their exclusive use of incarcerated offenders as samples of criminals.
203. Sleek, dramatic good looks were supposed to be the exclusive property of the more fashionable marques.
204. The Special Commissioners had exclusive jurisdiction to determine the appeals, and to do so in relation to the facts as found before them.
205. Seven purpose-built conference suits, exclusive health club and heated indoor pool and gymnasium.
206. For Olajuwon, the Dream Team experience has been like a summer camp at a very exclusive boys' club.
207. Few carpet companies exhibit, making it an even more exclusive event for Stoddard Mercia amongst Britain's leading interior designers.
208. The Ideal Home Decorating School gives you details of exclusive readers' courses that cover everything from paint effects to dried flowers.
209. Competition at TeleCable has always meant winning and keeping the exclusive cable franchises granted by local governments.
210. Sole Agency One agent has exclusive selling rights for a given period.
More similar words: exclusivelyexcludeexcludingconclusionexcessiveclustermassiveoffensiveextensivedefensiveimpressiveaggressiveprogressivecomprehensiveplusclueincludestimulusmusicwanderlustcousinincludingconcludeillustratemusicalhousingmusicianbusinessexceedmusic stand
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