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Constrict in a sentence

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Sentence count:25Posted:2016-12-26Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: compresscontractcrushpresssqueezeSimilar words: strictrestrictdistrictstrictlyrestrictionconstrueconstrainconstructMeaning: [kən'strɪkt]  v. 1. squeeze or press together 2. become tight or as if tight. 
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1. The drug causes the blood vessels to constrict.
2. But the drive to constrict the activities of minority religions is unlikely to have the desired result.
3. There were shapes of spruces rising to constrict a sky full of great cold stars.
4. Criticism and poetics both constrict the text by making it conform to a meaning or to a model.
5. He can have anything, but chooses to constrict his life.
6. Certain triggers dilation and constrict these vessels.
7. In severe cases, the airway can constrict.
8. Tending draw together or constrict tissues ; styptic.
9. Are you sure to constrict the picture database?
10. Small doses constrict the blood vessels and large doses dilate the blood vessel.
11. Corset: Article of clothing worn to shape or constrict the torso.
12. Don't constrict your hair with tight hair bands and hats.
12. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
13. One pupil will concurrently constrict in reflexive response to light shined in the other.
14. Perhaps, peripheral blood vessels are mistakenly told to constrict, increasing blood pressure.
15. Nerves constrict the blood vessels in the extremities of the body.
16. Panic can constrict the blood vessels and impose an additional burden on the heart.
17. She objects to the tests the Government's advisers have devised because they constrict her teaching style.
18. The heart slows, the alimentary canal and the bladder constrict.
19. The cone would then float up into the concave funnel and constrict the water passage(, thus throttling its flow.
20. Ties should be inspected regularly and renewed annually, so as not to constrict the stem.
21. But I am not stupid, Flora thought, as she felt her throat constrict and blood thunder in her ears.
22. A meal high in fat, sugar and calories may cause arteries to constrict , reducing blood flow.
23. The arc is obtained by applying a magneticfield coaxial with the electrode to constrict an open arc in medium vacuum.
24. If it wins the grapple check , it establishes a hold and can constrict.
25. The fall in blood pressure reflexly causes blood vessels to constrict with some rise in pressure (15 to 20 seconds).
More similar words: strictrestrictdistrictstrictlyrestrictionconstrueconstrainconstructconstraintconstructionconstructingdemonstrateconstantdemonstratordemonstrationconstantlyconstituteconstitutionconstitutional conventionconsternationconstitutionalunconstitutionaltricknon-stopmonstertricepsstripinstructtricycleelectric
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