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Exclusive in a sentence

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Sentence count:283+19Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: inclusiveSimilar words: exclusivelyexcludeexcludingconclusionexcessiveclustermassiveoffensiveMeaning: [ɪk'skluːsɪv]  n. a news report that is reported first by one news organization. adj. 1. not divided or shared with others 2. excluding much or all; especially all but a particular group or minority 3. not divided among or brought to bear on more than one object or objective. 
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151. Recently I have come to the conclusion that treasure hunters should have their own exclusive museum.
152. However, interviewing is not the exclusive preserve of survey research.
153. An inspection of the table reveals overlaps between the three trends, and clearly they should not be seen as mutually exclusive.
154. To provide specialist care on a selective or exclusive basis - for example, for families of a particular religious denomination or area.
155. Persimmon was granted exclusive rights to negotiate a purchase of the unit for an unspecified period, Trafalgar said.
156. On the debit side, Newfoundland gave up exclusive control of its offshore resources.
157. This explains the exclusive use of the to infinitive after this verb.
158. A demise for years is a contract for the exclusive possession and profit of land for some determinate period.
159. But he was under exclusive contract to Universal, and they wanted a prohibitive amount of money to loan him out.
160. In some cases it was not clear at first sight whether exclusive possession was in fact granted.
161. But educators there have shown that high academic standards and the concepts under-girding school-to-work are not mutually exclusive.Sentencedict
162. Chiron will have exclusive rights to develop and market any resulting compounds that can be used for human health.
163. A lot of rich people are feeling the same way about an exclusive club recruiting new members every day.
164. Are a reasonably healthy state of being and cigarette-smoking really, truly, absolutely mutually exclusive?
165. These proposals were not mutually exclusive, and most officials wanted a combination of the three, with an emphasis on one.
166. The suit alleges that Martin was defrauded of exclusive right to market the paintings after he authenticated them.
167. There is nothing about this combination of themes which marks it out as the exclusive preserve of the right.
168. From parents, children can acquire habits and tastes that are peculiar if not exclusive to a particular class.
169. Like those cars, it's available in numbers exclusive enough to virtually guarantee future classic status.
170. Despite these house price rises, housing conditions in Manchester remained poor with almost 30 percent lacking exclusive plumbing facilities.
171. For full details of this exclusive offer, just send in a stamped addressed envelope.
172. Sitting up in bed, I scanned the article, which the News of the World claimed was an exclusive interview.
173. It is when the Captain, who runs the camp, picks S. for his exclusive use that the novel peaks.
174. Three Exclusive Links Cards offer reduced fees at several dozen courses in the Northeast.
175. The youngest and the prettiest are naturally for the exclusive use of the bourgeoisie.
176. Visual communication is not the exclusive domain of the graphic designer or the advertising executive.
177. The revolutionary intelligentsia became fanatically convinced of its own exclusive moral and intellectual superiority.
178. This is the exclusive preserve of the cave explorer who cares less for personal discomfort.
179. At the end of the programme we have an exclusive interview with Senator Goldwater.
180. And they devoted columns to discussing the possible effects of our exclusive pictures on the future of the royal family.
More similar words: exclusivelyexcludeexcludingconclusionexcessiveclustermassiveoffensiveextensivedefensiveimpressiveaggressiveprogressivecomprehensiveplusclueincludestimulusmusicwanderlustcousinincludingconcludeillustratemusicalhousingmusicianbusinessexceedmusic stand
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