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Engaged in a sentence

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Sentence count:181+28Posted:2016-10-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: engaged inengageengage inengagementchallengedmanagedmortgagediscouragedMeaning: [-dʒd]  adj. 1. having ones attention or mind or energy engaged 2. involved in military hostilities 3. reserved in advance 4. (of facilities such as telephones or lavatories) unavailable for use by anyone else or indicating unavailability; (`engaged' is a British term for a busy telephone line) 5. (used of toothed parts or gears) interlocked and interacting 6. having services contracted for 7. built against or attached to a wall 8. pledged to be married. 
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61. He was engaged in running a small business.
62. The two parties engaged upon an escalating political struggle.
63. She is engaged to be married .
64. Kate's engaged to a guy from England.
65. He is engaged in truck farming.
66. You know something? Cathy and Tim are engaged.
67. He engaged in his father's business.
68. Mr Armstrong was engaged in prayer.
69. I keep getting the engaged tone.
70. The typist is engaged for a week on trial.
71. She was engaged as an interpreter.
72. My family has been engaged in farming for generations.
73. Man is engaged in a constant struggle with Nature.
74. The two cog wheels engaged and the machine started.
75. I'm afraid I will be otherwise engaged that day.
76. I phoned earlier but you were engaged .
77. She engaged him in conversation.
78. That tone means that the number is engaged.
79. Mary was engaged to Martin[],( she threw him over.
80. He engaged her for the position.
81. The guests engaged in superficial chatter.
82. I am engaged to Mr. Worthing, mama.
83. Sorry! The line is engaged.
84. If her phone's engaged, keep on trying.
85. He is actively engaged on several projects.
86. We engaged the services of a recognised engineer.
87. They were engaged last month.
88. He is currently engaged as a consultant.
89. Our army engaged the enemy.
90. The armies engaged early in the morning.
More similar words: engaged inengageengage inengagementchallengedmanagedmortgagediscouragedallegedallegedlyungainlyas long asso long asbring aboutlengthengineEnglishengineerengulfedat lengthengendergeneration gapstrengthenpassengerengineeringageragewagecagepage
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