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Engender in a sentence

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Sentence count:42Posted:2016-09-28Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: breedcausedevelopgenerateproduceSimilar words: genderrendertendersenderoffenderdefenderindependentindependenceMeaning: [ɪn'dʒendə]  v. 1. call forth 2. make children. 
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1. It helps engender a sense of common humanity.
2. The minister's speech did not engender confidence in his judgment.
3. Hence the capacity of music to engender myth, especially the tragic myth that symbolizes Dionysiac wisdom.
4. Reading invites grand conversations and can engender a depth of feeling and thinking.
5. The fear this must engender day-in, day-out is more important than the minutiae of psephology.
6. The presence of minority parties would also engender a diversity of opinions and ethnic backgrounds.
7. It seems Cheltenham's artistic attempt to engender friendship is having exactly the opposite effect, for the time being at least.
8. This new reality helped engender a more sensitive ecclesial approach to the plight of Catholics in broken marriages.
9. The MACs are tightly guarded and seem to engender fierce loyalty in their users.
10. Things that engender poor feng shui include grey carpets off - white walls and strip lighting.
11. It was supposed to engender difficult questions and to keep the conversation at a low temperature.
12. The practices of bankruptcy engender considerable loss in value both in liquidation and reorganization.
13. She will engender difficult questions and to keep the conversation at a low temperature.
14. Hydraulic impact which engender between proportional valve and hydraulic cylinder is important noise source.
15. To take an unnecessary action that will probably engender adverse effects.
16. Part 1 analyses the engender environment and the social value of export - oriented technological service enterprises.
17. Although fictitious capital accumulation can engender great influences on the efficiency of entity capital accumulation, in the end it can not develop separately without entity capital accumulation.
18. The negative impact that robots engender might lead human beings to their doom.
19. I intend Henceforth every night to sit With my lewd, well-natured friend, Drinking to engender wit.
20. A magic bridle may be used to tame a kelpie temporarily, though this will engender great rage in the creature.
21. Its purpose then was to monitor changes in the environment worldwide, and engender popular environmental practices.
22. It is imagination, and the irreducible sovereignty of the individual which engender disequilibrium and tension.
22. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
23. Some managers are excellent leaders-they know instinctively how to engender enthusiasm and commitment for a project.
24. The key idea here is that feelings, conserved as values, engender a sense of obligation to act on those values.
25. She has got an agile thinking and solid professional foundation, which engender her distinctive legal thinking and architectonics.
26. An unguided ramble into its recesses in bad weather is apt to engender dissatisfaction with its narrow, tortuous, and miry ways.
27. The unique steel lattice design of the Olympic stadium in Beijing looks set to make it one of the symbols of our age - and to engender awe at the creative imagination of China.
28. One job of an athlete athletic trainer is to trained engender athletes treat injured athletes.
29. Analysis the cramping pipe plates of Floating head heat exchanger engender bigger deformations break and their preventing mentions.
30. The Dai people believe in both original religion and Hinayana Buddhism, which engender important and all-round influence to the culture of the Dai nationality.
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