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Diverted in a sentence

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Sentence count:165+8 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-12-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: divertdiverseinadvertentdiversityinadvertentlybiodiversityaborteddivedMeaning: [daɪ'vɜːt]  adj. pleasantly occupied. 
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(1) The noise diverted our attention from the books.
(2) We diverted a plane to rescue 100 passengers.
(3) We diverted funds from armaments to education.
(4) We diverted funds from armaments to health and education.
(5) They diverted the plane to another airport because of the weather.
(6) A ditch diverted water from the stream into the fields.
(7) We diverted the river to supply water to our city.
(8) Traffic will be diverted through the side streets while the main road is resurfaced.
(9) The train was diverted to Cambridge because of engineering works on the main line.
(10) They diverted the river from its course.
(11) The treasurer diverted funds from the factory's treasury.
(12) We diverted water from the stream into the fields.
(13) The crowd was greatly diverted with the performance.
(14) Should more funds/money/resources be diverted from roads into railways?
(15) The children diverted themselves by playing games.
(16) The children were immensely diverted by his funny stories.
(17) He diverted himself into a new field of study.
(18) The children were diverted by the clown.
(19) The cartoon diverted the children.
(20) She diverted herself with talking to her baby.
(21) We don't want to get diverted by side issues.
(22) He diverted funds from the company's treasury.
(23) The course of the stream has now been diverted.
(24) A loud noise from the street diverted my attention.
(25) London - bound traffic is being diverted via Slough.
(26) She diverted herself in singing and dancing.
(27) Officials diverted revenue from arms sales to the rebels.
(28) They diverted themselves into a new field of study.
(29) We diverted our funds to paying for college.
(30) The money was destined for the relief of poverty(, but was diverted by corrupt officials.
More similar words: divertdiverseinadvertentdiversityinadvertentlybiodiversityaborteddivedreportedlywholeheartedlysubvertcovertrevertadvertconvertover therepovertyverticaloverthrowadvertiseextrovertassertiveadvertisingneverthelessliverrivergiverwaivershiverdriver
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