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Discouraged in a sentence

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Sentence count:150+13Posted:2016-08-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: discouragediscoursediscountencouragecourageousencouragingdiscmanagedMeaning: [dɪ'skʌrɪdʒ]  adj. 1. made less hopeful or enthusiastic 2. lacking in resolution. 
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(61) Not only may cooperation be discouraged, but most classrooms are highly competitive and individual effort is rewarded highly.
(62) Even if you get discouraged from seeing no results from all your efforts, what you write makes a difference.
(63) There is a ban on alcohol and drugs and new age travellers will be discouraged.
(64) She was always there for me when I felt discouraged or depressed.
(65) Deaf people are effectively discouraged by regulations from training as teachers of the deaf.
(66) Certain life events, such as bereavement or other loss, can produce the same discouraged state of mind.
(67) Hartman was so discouraged about the way his performing career was going, that he gave up acting for writing.
(68) Claimants will be discouraged from living in accommodation too large for their needs.
(69) They lay in the bottom of the bag, too discouraged even to talk.
(70) I expect Jasper got discouraged by a lack of spontaneity.
(71) The blinds pulled, by her domestic decree,( half way down the windows discouraged all hope.
(72) In this day of the lawsuit, touching a student is often actively discouraged by school administrators.
(73) Discouraged by her failed marriages, she gradually withdrew from the world.
(74) Its lobby was crowded, people discouraged by the weather sitting on fat couches or standing in talkative groups.
(75) Some may have been discouraged by the attitude of the Office of Works to questions.
(76) Be believing, be happy, don't get discouraged. Things will work out. Gordon B. Hinckley 
(77) He had found that since the chair discouraged emphasis,( it also discouraged strong convictions.
(78) Certain staff who might have shown a real aptitude for broadcasting found themselves discouraged by civil service rules on promotion and pay.
(79) In the end the foreign investors had got discouraged and had gone elsewhere.
(80) It would be a great shame if young people such as Hu were discouraged from seeking careers in public service.
(81) Y., also asked his former colleagues not to be discouraged.
(82) If this report that the army is planning a coup is serious, then the army must be discouraged from doing that.
(83) This was usually discouraged in case the wild ape became too dependent on hand-outs.
(84) The uncertainty of such stop-go policies arguably reduced business confidence and discouraged investment.
(85) In addition, the pamphlet discouraged police brutality and described how to obtain federal troops quickly.
(86) Dissent is discouraged by the presence of the security forces and the army.
(87) Commoners were discouraged from looking directly at any part of his person other than his feet.
(88) Moreover, if one-way systems are introduced, cycle use is discouraged and safety is decreased by the increased vehicle speeds.
(89) Many early investigators were discouraged by reproducible results.
(90) A spell of tough luck discouraged us.
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