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Discharging in a sentence

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Sentence count:160+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-08-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: marginemergingin charge oftake chargediscdiscussdisclosediscount
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1. Lightning is caused by clouds discharging electricity.
2. The wound is still discharging pus.
3. The tanker was discharging thousands of gallons of oil.
4. The wound is discharging .
5. The sore is still discharging pus.
6. The weakened battery was no longer discharging.
7. The wound is still discharging.
8. The bird had trouble breathing and was discharging blood from the nostrils.
9. The dyes are discharging.
10. The factory was fined for discharging chemicals into the river.
11. The oil was discharging from the tanker at the rate of thousands of gallons an hour.
12. First,[] as a warning discharging the duty of care.
13. In addition to discharging eligible patients, Gordon sought to change a series of other long-standing practices.
14. Fully discharging a single NiCad cell does it no harm, as you state in the article.
15. Between them was a tommy gun, discharging itself into the air.
16. In recent years a policy of discharging long-stay psychiatric patients into the community has been introduced.
17. Systems and traps discharging high organic loads can be dosed with biological cleaners.
18. Nasal swabs or swabs taken directly from discharging abscesses can be cultured to confirm the presence of the casual bacteria.
18. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
19. The simple and rapid discharging of these pieces makes terrible havoc in the opposing ranks.
20. The 20-25 litre drum discharging through a controlled dispenser is a better option.
21. The river is diverted through the power station before discharging into the sea.
22. Interestingly enough, sea slugs are able to eat sea anemones without discharging their nematocysts.
23. John Glenn, D-Ohio, intends to introduce legislation that would prohibit ships from discharging organism-laced ballast water in estuaries.
24. Another approach would be to help the patient find other means of discharging tension. Vigorous exercise is one.
25. If untreated, recovery occurs after a few weeks, but discharging abscesses may remain in the groin.
26. Worth cut expenditures by sending people who were on government rations home and discharging civilians on the army payroll.
27. This also applies to an application for any order which would have the effect of varying or discharging an existing order.
28. The berths were practically dry at low water and vessels lay aground on the mud bottom whilst loading and discharging their cargoes.
29. Some have speculated that the headaches may be related to a periodically discharging biologic pacemaker, perhaps located in the hypothalamus.
30. The best way to do this is to run a high output airpump discharging into the void below a chamber.
More similar words: marginemergingin charge oftake chargediscdiscussdisclosediscountdiscoursechartChart.charmdiscouragediscourageddiscussionCharliecharterschadenfreudediscriminationcharacterizebring incoming incharacteristicmanagingdebuggingencouragingengineeringat the beginningdisturbingdistinguish
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