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Home > Switzerland in a sentence

Switzerland in a sentence

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Sentence count:241+12 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: motherlandauschwitzoverlapoverlaysuperlativeeverlastingparlanceswitchMeaning: n. a landlocked federal republic in central Europe. 
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1 Switzerland lies between France, Germany, Austria and Italy.
2 The other day we had some visitors from Switzerland.
3 France and Switzerland are European countries.
4 Switzerland is a heterogeneous confederation of 26 self-governing cantons.
5 Switzerland is a federal republic.
6 The scenery in Switzerland is exceedingly attractive to the tourists from the whole world.
7 The river Rhine rises in Switzerland.
8 Switzerland isn't all cow bells and yodelling, you know.
9 Sweden and Switzerland were neutrals during the war.
10 Gessler ruled over Switzerland. The Swiss people hated him.
11 They have a numbered account in Switzerland.
12 The Rhine rises in Switzerland.
13 We had a fine holiday in Switzerland.
14 How many countries border Switzerland?
15 Campione d'Italia is an Italian enclave in Switzerland.
16 Switzerland has an enormous wealth of beautiful old buildings.
17 Switzerland is a big exporter of watches.
18 Switzerland has a long tradition of neutrality.
19 Switzerland was neutral during the war.
20 Switzerland swept the board in the skiing competition.
21 As everybody knows,[] Switzerland is a peaceful country.
22 Switzerland was an enclave of peace in war-torn Europe.
23 We had a perfectly divine time in Switzerland.
24 In yesterday's games, Switzerland beat the United States two-one.
25 He fled to Switzerland rather than face trial for a tax swindle.
26 Switzerland declared its neutrality.
27 Germany is bounded on the west by France and on the south by Switzerland.
28 He chartered a jet to fly her home from California to Switzerland.
29 You don't need to be a millionaire to consider having a bank account in Switzerland.
30 They spent a month at a fashionable ski resort in Switzerland.
More similar words: motherlandauschwitzoverlapoverlaysuperlativeeverlastingparlanceswitchswitch onswitch offcome to terms withmake friends withsubzerofreezerappetizerfor lack ofcharlatanswimswillswineswirlswingswiftsooner or laterswivelswiftlyswindleswimmingswirlingorderly
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