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Investing in a sentence

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Sentence count:283+7 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: investigateinvestigatorinvestigationdirect investmentinvestinvestorinvestmentinvestment bankerMeaning: [ɪn'vest]  n. the act of investing; laying out money or capital in an enterprise with the expectation of profit. 
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1. I'm thinking of investing in a new house.
2. By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune.
3. Their move does not preclude others from investing.
4. We believe in investing in scientific research.
5. By investing in real estate, he was one of the richest men in the United States.
6. I called my broker for advice about investing in the stock market.
7. I'm thinking of investing in a new car.
8. She made her money from investing in property.
9. The company is investing heavily in new technologies.
10. Investing on the Stock Exchange is a chancy business.
11. Investing in airlines is a very risky business.
12. Investing in industry is money well spent.
13. Oliver made a fortune by investing in antique furniture.
14. The company has backed off from investing new money.
15. I tried to dissuade her from investing her money in stocks and shares.
16. A few lucky people have struck gold by investing in this company.
17. The company has been investing in new plant and equipment.
18. He rearranged his business affairs advantageously by investing his money overseas.
19. When people buy houses they're investing a lot of money.
20. As pension funds are investing for members' retirements[], they can take the long view.
21. His only reason for investing in the company was to take it over.
22. The company misled hundreds of people into investing their money unwisely.
23. The company is investing $9 million to modernize its factories.
24. Many people are investing in a small way in the stock market.
25. By investing in education[sentence dictionary], we nourish the talents of our children.
26. By investing in efficient plant it could generate lots of valuable carbon credits to sell to wealthier, more wasteful nations.
27. The fund has a good track record of investing in the equity market.
28. He hoped to strike it rich by investing in ginseng.
29. Investing small amounts regularly is a good way of smoothing out the peaks and troughs of the stock market.
30. The government is prioritising the service sector, rather than investing in industry and production.
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