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Coolant in a sentence

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Sentence count:120Posted:2017-02-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: coolcool offpolandplantsupplantjubilantatlanticvigilantMeaning: ['kuːlənt]  n. a fluid agent (gas or liquid) that produces cooling; especially one used to cool a system by transferring heat away from one part to another. 
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31. Engine coolant for street and race use which maintain stable operating temperature.
32. The temperature rise in the coolant then becomes a function of coolant flow rate.
33. The results show that the coolant flow field distribution is suitable for cooling the engine.
34. The real - time simulation of reactor coolant system was studies in the dissertation.
35. That is not as easy as it sounds, because the only control typically supplied by the machine builder is a coolant flow valve, and often that valve is not designed for accurate flow control.
36. The bigger the coolant flow is[], the more slowly the reactant temperature rises and the shorter the temperature balance time is and the smaller the temperature increment is.
37. It was found that there exists obviously the influence of coolant flow on the parametric sensitivity.
38. Numerical simulations were used to assess the effect of a conjugate heat transfer and internal coolant flow on film cooling.
39. Not wanting that to ever happen again, most operators run full coolant flow to the feed throat.
40. CWC 448 is an emulsion type coolant incorporated with premium mineral base oil and special additives.
41. Continuously Rotating Smooth-faced rolls are designed for use where little or no nonmagnetic material is contaminating the coolant.
42. Through series of eliminating and substituting reactions, using diethyl oxalate, ethyl propionate, pyrrolidine etc. as starting material, we achieve the new coolant 2(5H) - MPF.
43. The coolant then flows through line(3) back to the top center of the cylinder block.
44. Based on heat transfer process form the reactants to the reactor wall and from the inner wall to the coolant in the jacket, the dynamic heat balances for the PVC reactor is developed.
45. So the coolant system was knocked out, can't they scram the reactor?
46. The unsteady effects of the coolant flow rate and rotating speed on fluid flow and heat transfer were investigated experimentally by employing a rotating heat transfer test rig.
47. The real-time simulation of reactor coolant system is studied in the paper.
48. "Hengst" brand products mainly include gasoline engine oil, diesel engine oil, grease, gear oil, brake fluid, coolant, industrial oil, special oil and car care products.
49. And so once you start thinking about breaks in the main coolant pumps, pressuriser relief valves not opening, sources of water, makeup water.
50. In this paper, the method for transient characteristic calculation of PWR coolant system is studied and a model is developed.
51. Steam and water continues to be released through the PORV, creating a LOCA (loss of coolant accident).
52. Okay the next issue is reactor coolant system weld issues. Now this graphic again comes from their website. Now these are all the areas in which there are weld issue problems.
53. The natural circulation ability of PWR (pressurized water reactor) coolant system is one of inherent safeties of this kind NPP (nuclear power plant).
54. The results are close to the industrial data. The influence of reaction temperature, coolant temperature, reaction pressure and reactor air speed was predicted.
55. The results indicate that the primary failure causes are the high quenching heating temperature and the low concentration of liquid coolant. The improvement measures are proposed.
56. Fuel assembly grids of pressurized water reactor strengthen the coolant mixing around rod through mixing structure.
57. The results show that the program can be used for training simulator and safety analysis of coolant system.
58. Many machining operations require coolant for lubrication and cooling purposes. Coolant can be turned on and off form within the machine cycle.
59. The theoretical calculation has a good agreement with the test result in a 400MW hydro-generator. Many factors that effect coolant flow and heat exchange was analyzed.
60. WZ405 coolant detector is used to simply measure the density and freezing point of ethylene and ethanediol in antifreezing fluid or coolant.
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