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Coolant in a sentence

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Sentence count:120Posted:2017-02-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: coolcool offpolandplantsupplantjubilantatlanticvigilantMeaning: ['kuːlənt]  n. a fluid agent (gas or liquid) that produces cooling; especially one used to cool a system by transferring heat away from one part to another. 
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61. This paper presents the inner cooling theory that use the high insulating property and low boiling point materials instead of water as coolant in turbo-generator's stator windings.
62. The study on flow and heat transfer in downcomer under loss of coolant accident (LOCA) is important to the safety of reactor pressure vessel (RPV).
63. In order to adapt to real time simulation, the nodes of system and the predigestion was made according to the characteristic of reactor coolant system which will be simulated.
64. This paper points out that the thermal and ablative problems of the shield can be solved solely with the coolant flow only under one-dimensional incompressible or steady condition.
65. The quality of the treated water reached effluent standard of GB and it can be used as water coolant in commercial run.
66. The subsection porous wall design is an effective way to optimize the coolant flow in a transpiration cooled thruster.
67. The influence of reaction temperature, coolant temperature,[] reaction pressure and reactor air speed was predicted.
68. Because Helium is used as coolant in High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR), the change of tribological properties of HTGR structure component under Helium is a big problem.
69. An engine cylinder head gasket leaking between a cylinder and an adjacent water jacket is indicated by coolant foaming or overheating and loss of coolant.
70. The fundamental reactor physics characteristics of the fast neutron reactor with the heavy metal lead as coolant are discussed.
71. The numerical model treats the hot gas flow and coolant flow as one dimensional.
72. The coolant has been examined for signs of combustion gases and checks have also been made of the cooling system for air locks or blockages.
73. The analysis of large break loss of coolant accident(LBLOCA) which occured at nominal power of nuclear power plant is given.
74. The spare 780-pound coolant pump, built by Boeing, is mounted on an external platform just in front of the station’s airlock module, relatively close to the faulty pump module.
75. This high capacity coolant system is able to assure the requested cooling at the wheel.
76. Coolant temperature and ambient air pressure may be used to optimize cold starting and altitude performance.
77. W is for WATER: Radiator, windscreen wiper reservoir, radiator header tank and coolant levels, battery fluid.
78. On the vehicles concerned , the coolant fluid level sensor may be porous.
79. Counterflow condensation is one of the important core cooling mechanisms during a loss of coolant accident (LOCA) of PWR.
80. Direction of connection for RSB and RSF coolant is different.
81. The TiAIN coating tools enhanced cutting performance obviously by reducing the flank wear in the cutting medium of coolant oil.
82. The results show that heaving has less effect upon the primary Loop's coolant flow rate and PWR output power in case of forced circulation but strongly influences natural circulation ability.
83. If some coolant is injected from top to increase the total flooding rate, the quenching time gets shorter at all elevations.
84. At last, connect the water recycle system and radiate system, seal the entrance of the coolant.
85. The higher calories which the higher power consumption bring out make the chip encapsulation and coolant device's cost increase more, even there are technique restrictions.
86. The operators of the plant, Tokyo Electric Power Company, said the coolant had evaporated exposing the fuel rods, raising the risk of them melting down.
87. Under the real-time simulation support system ASCA, a reactor coolant system is modeled, programmed and computed.
88. The fans are controlled either with a thermostatic switch or by the engine computer, and they turn on when the temperature of the coolant goes above a set point.
89. Integral spindle coolant system decreases the high temperature and ensures running accuracy after long time working.
90. Dirty coolant flows past a slowly rotating magnetic drum which removes the metal particles from the coolant.
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