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Construction in a sentence

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Sentence count:279+25Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: demolitiondestructionruinationwreckSimilar words: constructinginstructioninstructionalconstructdestructioninstructinstructordemonstrationMeaning: [-kʃn]  n. 1. the act of constructing something 2. the commercial activity involved in repairing old structures or constructing new ones 3. a thing constructed; a complex entity constructed of many parts 4. a group of words that form a constituent of a sentence and are considered as a single unit 5. the creation of a construct; the process of combining ideas into a congruous object of thought 6. an interpretation of a text or action 7. drawing a figure satisfying certain conditions as part of solving a problem or proving a theorem. 
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181. We can do this by presenting societies whose ideological construction of human nature and behaviour is such as to favour peaceful coexistence.
182. Moreover, overcapacity reduced margins during the 1980s when the real costs of construction rose, thus creating higher barriers to entry.
183. The trends in prices and construction track very closely past cycles of booms and busts.
184. Budapest is enjoying a construction boom, and the government reported a sharp fall in unemployment last month.
185. Instead of shelving the permits, as residential builders do, Rohr forged ahead with construction.
186. At the peak of the 1980s construction boom, for example, the figure was nearly eight times that.
187. He could often be seen glancing along a line of posts during the construction process, making sure the alignment was true.
188. Surprisingly little is recorded about the techniques of ship construction at that time, and the wreck may provide valuable clues.
189. The underground complex had been built in summer, the construction teams working in three shifts round the dock.
190. The Baldwin Co. and Pardee Construction also have projects near the airport.
191. We will complete the study on the construction of a Severn Barrage.
192. An opera company was formed to grace the new Civic Theatre under construction.
193. This is largely because of faster construction and very competitive pricing which have made contractors more vulnerable to the financial effects of disruption.
194. At present there is a moratorium on the construction of nuclear plants,[] and the plans would need parliamentary approval.
195. Too many people in authority have benefited from the construction boom over the past 20 years.
196. The contracts will guarantee that specific maintenance and construction projects will be funded if a local bond measure passes.
197. The estimated commencement date is 1983, with an anticipated construction period of approximately 2 years.
198. The space agency has decided to delay start of construction of the controversial project for as much as 11 months.
199. The influx of large numbers of construction workers had inevitably caused disruption in the nearby villages, especially the closest, Stogursey.
200. This paves the way for the start of environmental assessment, but construction is not envisaged for some years.
201. Some guides use their climbing and rope skills to work on oil rigs or construction sites.
202. The approval covers the location of work sites and construction methods to be used in canton Valais.
203. Film theorists first put forward the proposition that the construction of the spectator in mainstream cinema is gendered.
204. Would they be bothered because the stadium is still under construction?
205. Follow-up Make indicator strips by cutting blotting paper or heavy construction paper into strips and dipping them in the cabbage water.
206. Construction was halted when excavation work on the baroque square unearthed the ruins of a medieval synagogue destroyed in 1421.
207. Annual railway construction more than trebled between the end of the 1880s and the boom years of the late 1890s.
208. Women-owned businesses in sectors such as manufacturing or construction are growing well above the national average.
209. Area construction permits averaged nearly 11, 800 annually between 1990 and 1994.
210. The Kazakh government has recognized the problem and has accepted a programme for the construction of appropriate burial sites.
More similar words: constructinginstructioninstructionalconstructdestructioninstructinstructordemonstrationconstitutionconstitutionalstructurestructuralinfrastructureconstraintauctionreductionproductionintroductionrestrictionconditionsconvictionconnectionconsumptionconservationin all directionsconsiderationinstrumentconstantdemonstratestruggle against
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