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Consolidation in a sentence

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Sentence count:195Posted:2017-03-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: integrationSimilar words: consolationsolidificationtrepidationsolidarityintimidationdilapidationfoundation stoneconsoleMeaning: [kən‚sɒlɪ'deɪʃn]  n. 1. combining into a solid mass 2. the act of combining into an integral whole 3. something that has consolidated into a compact mass. 
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121. Relatively the dilapidation of concrete structure is rather universal. Maintenance and consolidation are very important for the concrete structure's serviceability.
122. Moreover, comparing with odeometer test, the time required for consolidation by centrifuge test is much shorter. So it offers higher efficiency in consolidation tests.
123. Debt consolidation loan home loan debt can be used two ways.
124. After years of development, Long sheng Logistics beforehand developed to a comprehensive Logistics company providing multiplex logistics service, with core cariness as consolidation service always.
125. After years of development, Long sheng Logistics already developed to a comprehensive Logistics company providing multiplex logistics service, with core business as consolidation service always.
126. With the accession of enterprise consolidation cases, how to disposal the consolidated goodwill has become more and more important.
127. There was a clear preference for horizontal consolidation mergers among peers particularly in Europe.
128. When grouting gallery of depth-curtain, lining and consolidation grouting to full-face of the gallery is necessary to meet the needs of the grouting pressure.
129. And further carry into execution trial, modification and consolidation of aesthetic values through dialogue and communication with open culture and profound life.
130. As a new numerical method, element free Galerkin method (EFGM) has more advantage in the solution to consolidation equation as it only needs the information of nodes rather than element.
131. Recently, land consolidation is started all over the country, but methods of land consolidation planning and design are timeworn and lack of applications of Hi techs.
131. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
132. Investors also worry about the danger of a 'double dip' European recession if governments get the timing and pace of budget consolidation wrong and choke off the recovery.
133. It is found that the central design coefficient is a decreasing function of the variation coefficient of vertical consolidation coefficient and is an increasing function of probability of failure.
134. As soon as possible after consolidation, it is advisable to apply a bituminous emulsion waterproof seal over the stabilized subsoil.
135. The areas of consolidation are firmer than the surrounding lung.
136. Reorganization and consolidation following the Second Fulton Report provided the conditions for further advances.
137. But the new social system has only just been established and requires time for its consolidation.
138. This may roll out as a full consolidation, over time, between pharma, biotech and generics companies.
139. Cargo operation modes include container stuffing, unstuffing, break bulk and consolidation.
140. Citigroup's acquisition , for an undisclosed sum, underlines the continuing consolidation in the global custody industry.
141. The analysis method and calculation expressions of oblique section consolidation of reinforced concrete bridge are discussed on the basis of test analysis.
142. Unjust enrichment system began in Roman law. The remodeling and consolidation of Civil Law and modern civil become an important area of the law of obligation.
143. The merger was different from the debt loans(, unsecured debt consolidation loan does not require collateral.
144. The accumulative total settlement less than tradition soft foundation consolidation method.
145. Large-scale consolidation and compaction of soil were responsible for the destruction.
146. Moreover, a consolidation curve is obtained through a case of uniform loading on one load level. Some useful conclusions are obtained based on the computer results, the relevant behavior of l...
147. Diagnosis Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia ( BOOP ) , presenting with consolidation and ground - glass opacity .
148. Based on in-situ measurement and test, the treatment effect is assessed in terms of settlement, degree of consolidation and soil strength.
149. But change brought about the growth and consolidation of the working class.
150. In Europe mobile - telecoms markets are highly fragmented and ripe for more consolidation.
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