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Commutative in a sentence

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Sentence count:47Posted:2016-12-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: communicativetentativequalitativetentativelyrepresentativecommunicationtelecommunicationsnativeMeaning: [-ətɪv]  adj. (of a binary operation) independent of order; as in e.g. "a x b = b x a". 
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1. It'should be clear that vector addition is commutative.
2. The groups of the solvable equations are commutative.
3. Students should have some familiarity with commutative algebra and basic topology.
4. When because of everybody commutative friendship is linked, PR still looks quite again.
5. The operation laws including:commutative law , associative law , cancellation law , unity of operation, inverse element, and distributive law between two operations, here we just omit them.
6. We discussed the relation between commutative semiring and fractionals emiring, then we characterized the universal property of fractional semiring .
7. After commutative process is finished, commodity producer obtains value, consumer obtains use value.
8. In exchanging economic theory, commutative right is the concept of an outbalance.
9. The commutative equation of probability flow is deduced and its definite solution is given.
10. For commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, and singularity theory, the SINGULAR computer algebra system provides a large variety of algorithms in the package kernel as well as shared libraries.
11. The relationship between the finite commutative semigroup and the finite commutative group is established.
11. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
12. Politics and market have substaintial distinction, commutative politics watches itself to have a problem.
13. The commutative law holds for superposition without exception, but it does not necessarily for accumulation.
14. The course may be taken concurrently with 18.705, Commutative Algebra.
15. Computations in Commutative Algebra (CoCoA) is another free computer algebra system for working with very large integers, rational numbers, and polynomials.
16. The surgeon of a famed world discovered the commutative method of person head.
17. Xu Jinzhong proved module over commutative ring is injective if and only if it is flat.
18. Commutative right is the product that the history develops certain level.
19. The basic concept of simplifying the evaluation of the inverse of a matrix with commutative partitioned submatrix is analyzed.
20. We then can verify the associative law and the commutative law for multiplication, and the uniqueness of the result of addition indicates the uniqueness and the cancellation law for multiplication.
21. The essay provides a "combined method" for the computation of the common eigenstates of the commutative Hermitian matrixes and discusses the correlated items.
22. First, we give the definition of Lie color superalgebras using the symmetric bicharacter on a finite commutative group, and also we introduce some fundamental notions about Lie color superalgebras.
23. Because bridegroom is too nervous, forgot the order of commutative ring.
24. It is theoretically important to solve the problems of decomposition of automorphisms of solvable subalgebra and nilpotent subalgebra of matrix algebra over commutative rings.
25. As a branch of modern algebra , finite fields is an abstract system in algebra which satisfies operational laws such as associative law, commutative law, distributive law etc.
26. Basic properties of the dense sub - semigroups in commutative groups are studied.
27. In this paper, we discuss the classification of 3-dimensionally commutative algebras on algebraically closed field.
28. The author evaluated the output voltage drop owing to the commutative process and armature reaction in detail by means of the analysis of the existent system and the dynamic simulation experiments.
29. In this paper, we study the subalgebra structure of the general linear Lie algebras over commutative rings.
30. Furthermore theand the jointhe good congruence lattice are determined the semilattice of commutative cancellative monoids.
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